Praise for The Elder Care Cliff 1.0
"In my 39 years in the eldercare industry and a caregiver myself, I have picked up a lot of tips from this book. As caregivers, we want to do all that we can, not thinking of what it is doing to our own well-being. Your loved one needs your help, but he/she still needs the socialization of others and a routine to keep well physically and mentally. Respite is a must, and like Stella Nsong so eloquently puts it, respite is an investment in caregiving. It is easy to read and understand and loaded with valuable information. It's a must-read for all caregivers."
- Walt Walko, chairman of the board of the CAREgiving Institute
"The Elder Care Cliff 1.0 is an easy read that makes you want to make positive changes in your world as a caregiver. Lesson learned, take care of yourself first so you can provide care for others as long as necessary. Look for the present each day, knowing tomorrow may never come. I appreciated the top ten ways to care for oneself in chapter 9."
-S. Baker, caregiver and registered dietician
"After years of caring for Mom and Dad as they declined, I had never heard of the term 'respite' or 'respite care.' Like thousands of others, I found out the hard way that caregiver stress takes a serious toll on our own bodies. But it sneaks up on us, and we don't deal with it. Eventually, we and our loved ones suffer. This book is about how respite care will save you from exhaustion, guilt, depression, heart problems, or worse. The author speaks from decades of experience and shows us how to keep or restore our health and our hopes, before a 'care crash' happens."
-T. Andrews, caregiver and regulatory and compliance writer for the pharmaceutical industry