In Eight Pillars of Prosperity, James Allen -- considered a founding father of the self-help genre -- expounds the importance of his "eight pillars of prosperity," namely, (1) energy, (2) economy, (3) integrity, (4) system, (5) sympathy, (6) sincerity, (7) impartiality, and (8) self-reliance. Within these are certain elements that further contribute to a life well-lived: promptitude, vigilance, industry, earnestness, moderation, efficiency, resourcefulness, originality, honesty, fearlessness, purposefulness, invincibility, readiness, accuracy, utility, comprehensiveness, kindness, generosity, gentleness, insight, simplicity, attractiveness, penetration, power, justice, patience, calmness, wisdom, decision, steadfastness, dignity, and independence. Allen's wisdom has a certain gravitas and is all the more inspiring given his challenging and inspiring life story. Born in England in 1864, Allen had to begin working at the age of fifteen after his father was murdered while seeking work in America. Allen thus worked for nine years as a factory knitter, then secretary. Pair this with Allen's other timeless classics such as As A Man Thinketh.