Church leaders are struggling to turn the tide of this epidemic exodus. It doesn't surprise me when I read almost universal statistics of Millennials abandoning church. Why? Because I am a millennial. And I almost left the church. Now, to my own surprise, I pastor a church that reaches a lot of millennials.
I spent over 2 years reading articles and books on why Millennials are leaving the church, and saw a common pattern of false conclusions about this generation. I wanted to go beyond describing the problem - I wanted to help pastors with practical solutions.
I write this insightful set of solutions for pastors and leaders as both a Millennial and a practitioner.
Born in 1982, I sit on the boundary between Generation X and the Millennials. While I don't completely fit in either generation, my age gives me a unique insight into both.
The easy temptation is to assume that the solution is simply to airbrush church as we know it. Marketing. Social media. Branding. Young people want a more relevant church experience... right? The assumption - if church services where more modern and entertainment based that millennials would come running back to church- is a mis-read. It assumes millennials are shallow. They don't want to contribute. They don't want deep teaching. And on these matters, we couldn't be further from the truth.
The facts show us a different story. Millennials are educated. Cause driven. Mission focused. Deep thinkers.
If we mis-diagnose the problem, we will never heal the ailment.
Sure, modernisations that enhance a church service may help. But we need to dig deeper. Digging deeper means peeling back the layers of church services, programs, styles, and get to the core issue - culture.
This beautifully designed 80 page full color guide provides 8 key solutions to leading Millennials:
- Use Of Technology And Social Media
- Relational Leadership Style
- Collaborative Organizational Structure
- Dynamic Program And Events
- Depth In Spiritual Discipleship
- Facilities That Represent Your Culture
- Leadership in Finances
- Emphasis on Social Rather Than Political Engagement
By effectively reaching and leading Millennials, you have the power to grow your church.
By 2030, Millennials will represent 75% of the global workforce. Will they represent 75% of your church?
Read now and get literally hundreds of hours of study, and years of practical ministry solutions, in one easy to read book.