Low back pain is a universal burning aspect of human society. This leads to
various health problems among people. Flowing data shows how low back
pain is rapidly increasing. Many research reports projected that globally in
2010, approximately one out of three Men are suffering from this problem.
These reports further projects that by 2015, approximately one out of two will
be patient of low back pain. The researcher came across a considerable
number of studies dealing several correlation, experimental, analytical
interventions, which proves low back pain as an outbreak throughout the
developed and developing countries.
. 'Low back pain is not just a product of the western world. In fact, developing
countries hold around one third of the world's low back pain patients. Much
research investigation could record one of the root causes of low back pain is
physical inactivity and sedentary life style.
The sudden boom in low back pain is mostly attributed to technological
advances that have left us more sedentary. We drive rather than walk or
cycle, we spend a lot of time sitting in front of computers and we do plenty of
wrong movements. Women particularly spend a lot of time in their home doing
house work, instead of doing any physical activity like yoga, walking and
water exercise.