In the 21st century, the knowledge explosion is due to advancements in science and
technology. The present scenario indicates that there is a development in the field of
science and technology but simultaneously there is a decline in science education no
doubt new courses are being launched. The major reason for such a scenario is
secondary education where students' interest in the science subject needs to be
developed. The research also states that in schools science is mainly taught using
a conventional approach where scientific facts, concepts, principles, and laws are
difficult to understand. The world conference on Education for All (Jomtien,1990) not
only recognized and stress the importance of elementary education but also decided
to make science subjects more relevant and compulsory for all students in the school
system. The nature of human learning is the center of educational psychology that
emphasizes increasing learning outcomes at the end of the teaching-learning process. As a
result, a variety of methods of teaching are designed. The paradigm of education is
shifting from teaching to learning. The round development of learners explored
many areas of child development.