About the Book
- Operations research explained in an easy-to-understand language; focus on historical background, meaning, approaches and tools of the discipline
- Graphical solution to linear programming problems discussed by means of appropriate examples
- Economic interpretation of dual variables explained and various computational techniques elucidated
- Formulation of transportation problem and methods of solution discussed
- Formulation of assignment problem with example
- Dynamic programming methodology explained
- Special emphasis on decision tree and game theory
- Concepts pertaining to inventory highlighted
- Characteristics of queuing problem discussed and its occurrence in real-life situation explained
- Applications of simulation model in practical business problem illustrated
- Detailed analysis of critical path method (CPM) and project evaluation review technique (PERT)
- Non-linear programming problems, quadratic programming and separable programming highlighted along with their applications
- Can be benchmarked against the incredibly successful Rules of Work: 40,000 copies in just 20 months.
- A slim easy read volume offering a promise of greater success. A format proven to be extremely successful and popular.
- A smart, simple and effective guidebook to being an effective manager, whilst being able to sleep at night.
- People love rules. They buy in to the idea that there is a secret formula for success and they want to know what it is.
- Management is what millions of people do, but very few find it easy - this title has huge market appeal.
- Fully revised and updated, current with UML 2.0.
- The best instruction for applying traditional software methods to the intricacies of real-time programming.
- Retains author's signature teaching style and incorporates feedback from the first two editions.
- Relevant, up-to-date selections of interest to today’s students, living in a globalised world.
- Practically all the authors are from 20th century; half from the Indian subcontinent.
- Student-friendly selections: drawn from widely different background enabling students to compare their experience with that of people elsewhere.
- Texts chosen for readability and subject, impact and interest, which allow them to speak for themselves.
- • Intended to encourage students to develop their own insights and interpretations.
- Editorial material, headnotes, annotations and questions, to help situate the texts and serve as pointers for further study.
- Broad, deep, state-of-the-art coverage—Offers the most thorough and up-to-date coverage available for planning, designing, and implementing ad hoc wireless networks.
- 200+ easy-to-understand examples and end-of-chapter review questions—Teaches through example, and provides extensive opportunities for review at the end of every chapter.
- Advanced coverage available nowhere else—Introduces research and techniques covered in no other book, including Wi-Fi ad hoc networks, hybrid wireless architectures, ultra wideband ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, and more.
- In-depth coverage of ad hoc network protocols,/b>—Covers ad hoc network protocols for media access, transport, routing, multicasting, and more.
- Thorough coverage of building reliable, high-performance networks—Covers QoS, provisioning, security, scalability, pricing, and much more.
This edition contains a substantially greater number of ads than the previous edition.
- Updated International Marketing discussions.
Students are curious about the world around them.
- Updated Critical thinking exercises
and mini-cases
- Written by the Office Dream Team, the most well recognized and respected authoring team in the business. Even the Office development team at Microsoft listens when these guys speak
- Previous editions labeled as "best of breed." This book is a category killer
- Ed and Woody reach millions of Office and Windows users each week with their online presence and dozens of books
About the Authors
Ed Bott is a best-selling author of more than 25 computer books and an award-winning computer journalist with two decades of experience in the personal computer industry. For nearly 10 years, he was responsible for PC Computing magazine’s extensive coverage of every conceivable flavor of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. He is a three-time winner of the Computer Press Award, and he and Woody Leonhard won the prestigious Jesse H. Neal Award, sometimes referred to as “the Pulitzer Prize of the business press,” in back-to-back years for their work on PC Computing’s “Windows SuperGuide.” He lives in an extremely civilized corner of the American Southwest with his wife, Judy, and a growing menagerie of affectionate pets who are sometimes smarter than he is. You can read more of Ed’s writing at http://www.edbott.com/weblog and at http://blogs.zdnet.com/bott.
Curmudgeon, critic, and perennial “Office Victim,” Woody Leonhard runs a fiercely independent Web site with up-to-the-nanosecond news, observations, tips, and help for both Office and Windows. AskWoody.com has become the premier source of unbiased information for people who need to really use Windows and Office, and for people concerned about juggling the never-ending stream of Microsoft patches. In the past 15 years, Woody has written more than three dozen books, drawing an unprecedented six Computer Press Association awards and two American Business Press awards. Woody was one of the first Microsoft Consulting Partners and is a charter member of the Microsoft Solutions Provider organization. Woody moved to Phuket, Thailand, in 2000. He lives in Patong with his wife, Duangkhae Tongthueng (better known as “Add”), his father George, his son Justin, and his all-American beagle, Chronos.
- A significant number of end-of-chapter problems have been updated
- The Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) has been updated and expanded to exploit key enhancements that were introduced in IEEE standards 1364-2001 and 1364-2005
- The text introduces more graphical material to better serve learners oriented to graphical mediums. Karnaugh maps are, likewise, presented with additional graphics to facilitate understanding of their use
- HDL material is presented at a level suitable for students learning digital circuits and a hardware description language at the same time
About the Authors
M. Morris Mano, California State University, Los Angeles.
Micheal D. Ciletti, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.Features
- Written by a market professional for the professional market
- It offers a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know regarding the derivative process and its instruments.
- Covers options, swaps and futures across key classes of rates, currency, equity, commodity and credit.
- Also gives explanations into the more complex tools including credit derivatives.
- A central theme of economic reforms and the performance of the Indian economy since 1991, with each chapter written by specialists in the area
- Wide coverage and a critical and in-depth analysis of the developments in all major sub-sectors of the Indian economy (1991 – 2008)
- An objective assessment of the reforms, presenting the positive as well as negative aspects of the developments
- Designed as an entry-level reader, geared toward UG and PG courses in economics
- NEW - More than twice as many pages of tips and tricks as the First Edition.
- NEW - Completely new chapter on specialized digital filters.
- NEW - Two new chapters on quadrature signals, with 3D drawings not found in other texts.
- Intuitive, down-to-earth, and rich in well-chosen numerical examples-Written in a style that students have praised for its exceptional clarity and accessibility.
- Practical focus-Stresses the practical aspects of signal processing, avoiding unnecessary mathematical coverage that is hard for beginners to digest.
- Concepts lucidly explained and supported by examples
- Marginalia for easy recapitulation of the main points
- A large number of end-of-the-chapter numerical problems, with answers, and objective questions
- Practical aspects of capital budgeting, in tune with real-life experiences, discussed in detail
- Comprehensive discussion of international financial management
- Examples depicting real-life situations help readers understand concepts better
- A new approach to the presentation of object-oriented material (special sections in Chapters 3, 7, 8, and 9)
- New ER notation (Chapter 8)
- Project management updates (Chapters 3 and 5)
- A new section on system security (Chapter 15)
- Broadway Entertainment Company Case (Extensively revised and updated)
- A major change has been introduced by linking object-oriented information systems development environments (such as Java™ Technology and Microsoft® .NET) with the mainstream technology for maintaining organizational data–relational databases, and in the process dealing with important differences between object-oriented and relational frameworks.
- Chapter 11 has been significantly updated by focusing more on the design of the database component of data warehousing.
- A new chapter covers data quality and database processing accuracy to keep students up-to-date with what is happening in business. These topics are extremely important for national and international regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel II, COSI, and HIPPAA.
- Illustrated with hundreds of screenshots--all updated to reflect the new features in PHP 6.
- Loaded with tips and techniques gleaned from real-world PHP experience by best-selling author Larry Ullman.
- Step-by-step instructions, clear screenshots, and low price point make this an ideal guide to PHP.
- Updated for HTML 4, Java 2/J2EE, JavaScript.
- CGI information updated—JavaServer Pages, Servlets, Swing, and Java2D.
- Java collections, I/O, network programming, HTTP, and more.
- HTML 4—Fundamentals, Cascading Style Sheets, dynamic HTML.
About the Authors
Marty Hall is the author of Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, the world's most popular book on servlet and JSP technology. He is a Senior Computer Scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
Larry Brown is a Senior Network Engineer at the Naval Sea Systems Command, Carderock Division. He is also a Computer Science faculty member at the Johns Hopkins University, where he teaches server-side programming, distributed Web programming, and Java user interface development for the part-time graduate program in Computer Science.Features
- Real-World Focus: Management theories and concepts come to life via a real-world focus and application-heavy approach.
- A Manager’s Dilemma: Every chapter opens with a Manager’s Dilemma. Students are asked to put themselves into the shoes of that manager and think about what they would do in that situation.
- Meet the Managers: Chapter openers introduce the managers being featured throughout the text as they discuss their management styles and philosophies.
- Your Turn to Be a Manager: This feature provides several activities that give students the chance to experience the challenges of management. Activities range from creating a code of ethics to designing an employee attitude survey.
- Streamlined Chapter Material: The edition is written more succinctly to support the tight one-semester timeframe in which this course is taught, but preserves the quality that made the book a bestseller.
- Case studies and examples drawn from global and Indian companies such as Domtar, IBM, Godrej, Infosys, and Tata Steel
- Increased focus on training issues faced by small businesses
- Expanded coverage on computer-based training methods, cross-cultural training, and legal issues related to training
- New content on careers and trends in training
About the Authors
P. Nick Blanchard is Professor of Management at the College of Business, Eastern Michigan University.
James W. Thacker is Professor Emeritus at the Odette School of Business, University of Windsor.
V. Anand Ram is Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.
Table of Contents:
- Training in Organizations
- Aligning Training with Strategy
- Learning, Motivation, and Performance
- Needs Analysis
- Training Design
- Traditional Training Methods
- Computer-Based Training Methods
- Development and Implementation of Training
- Evaluation of Training
- Key Areas of Organizational Training
- Employee and Management Development