In an environment of increased interdependency and collaborations among non-profits, for-profits, and governmental organizations, researchers and practitioners have begun to identify the need for a distinctive set of values, skills, and competencies for effective non-profit management. Underlining the relationship between these two sectors, Effective Non-Profit Management: Context, Concepts, and Competencies clarifies the emerging links between the public and non-profit sectors at the local, national, and global levels.
Each chapter concludes with a discussion of a recent issue and a case study. They include discussion questions, a listing of Web resources, and a review of terms at the end of each chapter. The introductory chapter discusses non-profit organizations, their phenomenal growth, the different categories of non-profits, and the scope and significance of this sector. The second chapter focuses on explaining the linkages among non-profits, for-profits, and government organizations. The next couple of chapters provide a detailed discussion of essential non-profit law, non-profit governance, human resource management, resource acquisition and management, marketing, technology, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and effectiveness. Discussing four major developments in the non-profit environment that have implications for the future of this sector, the book:
- Covers all major topics in non-profit management including recent issues that affect such management
- Provides up-to-date information on emerging issues in non-profit management, including transparency, technology, legal, and other socio-political issues
- Includes input from an advisory group of leading non-profit executives
- Details best practices, practical tips and examples, and lists of Internet resources
Going beyond the usual coverage of government contracting with non-profits, the book provides a focused discussion on the linkages between public administration and the non-profit sector. In an approach that balances theory and application, the book is a guide to the practical art of forming, managing, and leading non-profit organizations.
About the Author: Dr. Shamima Ahmed is a professor and chair in the department of Political Science and Criminal Justice at Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights, KY). Her research and teaching interests are in human resource management, NGOs, and nonprofit management. She has numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals including Public Personnel Management, Journal of Public Affairs Education, State & Local Government Review, Public Performance & Management Review, International Journal of Public Administration, & Journal of Management Development including a co-authored book on NGOs in International Relations (Kumarian Press). She is actively involved in a variety of community and civic engagement activities including serving on different nonprofit boards and writing a variety of technical reports for government and nonprofit agencies.