Sudha Ratnam (2014) studied Effect of self-reflective learning on the leadership
in the non-governmental organizations (NGOS); an analytical study using grounded theory
methodology. Objectives of the study: To explore the implications of reflective learning
on the leadership that how the leadership practices can be influenced through reflective
learning. Methodology: The study employed Grounded Theory Methodology as the
central methodology to explore and explicate the objectives of the study. This methodology
was developed by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss (1967) Sample: Disproportionate
random sampling was applied and five NGOs of both the types operational as well as
campaigning were selected from each of the city from the list of NGOs available on the
website Tool: The structured inventories leadership practices inventory (LPI) (developed
by Kouzes and Posner, 1997) and learning tactics inventory (LTI) (developed by Dalton,
1999) were used in the particular study. Technique: QSR NVIVO (version 10) software,
the features of this software is in resonance with the key aspects of Grounded theory
methodology. This software was used in the process of emergence of theory from the
dataset, which is the important feature of Grounded theory methodology. b) Vensim
software was used to draw the causal-loop diagram (CLD) (System Dynamics). Findings:
self-evaluation and emotional & social stability enhanced the learning skills and most
importantly it was also revealed that accessing others through communication, cooperative
discussions and empathy synergized the leadership in the NGOs.
Rohini P. Trivedi (2012) examined A Study of Reflective Diary of B.Ed Student
- Teachers. Objectives: 1. To know the reflective thinking of student - teachers before the
classroom teaching in practice lessons (teaching). 2. To know the reflective thinking of
student - teachers during the classroom teaching in practice lessons 3. To identify the
reflective thinking of student- teachers after the classroom teaching in practice lessons.
Methodology: The study was of qualitative research in nature. Sample: 20 reflective
diaries of student teachers were selected out of 100 reflective diaries of student - teachers
by random sampling method. Tool: The reflective diary was a tool for practitioners where
they can actively reflect on events, cases, interactions etc that had a significant impact on.