The basic problem that all living being face after taking birth is the problem
of adaptation to environment mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and
professionally. Some creatures have some natural capacities that help them adapt
to their environment and no systematic education is needed for this purpose but the
case of human is different because of the most dependent being of all the living
being known. Family and the society educate the man formally as well as
informally to make him dependent. The intellectual power and wisdom that man
has over and above other animals help him to receive education. It is the education
that helps him to adapt to the environment.
It is generally believed that children are educated in schools and colleges.
But the truth is that a child receives his education from various sources besides
schools and college. American educationist John Dewey defines education as a
process of life or development. This development depends upon heredity and
environment. Heredity is fixed and definite but environment can be manipulated to
be good or bad. Thus, education clearly means the providing of proper environment
for the development of the child. The family, the school, the community, the state,
the newspapers, the magazines, the radio, the television, the cinema etc. are all the
means which provide diverse opportunities for the child to learn something or the other and bring about a modification in his behaviour. All these means are the sources of education. All these agencies of education have their impact upon the
growing child as they influence the education or development of the child in their
own way directly or indirectly, openly or silently. Hence, through all these agencies
education is concerned with the preservation, transmission and development of
cultural heritage.
Education imparted through informal agencies is natural and incidence. It
is imparted in a free atmosphere without any rigid control and direction. These
agencies inculcate the desired human qualities and moral values in the child. Home
is the first basic informal agency where child learns various theories and principles
of conduct and behaviour. Home environment brings the socialization of the child
and imbue him with a sense of duty and responsibility.
Family is a basic unit of a society where a child born and develop their
emotions. Academic development and progress of the students depend upon the
parental involvement with the school, their socio-economic status (SES), their
education, their attitude and their thoughts. The amount of parent's interest,
behaviour and discussion among family members directly affects the student's
academic life. Parents are first educator of their children. A child's family and
healthy home environment has a positive impact on their language and literacy
development and their academic performance. This impact is stronger during the
childhood but continues throughout their academic life.
Home is the basic place for emotional learning where a child learns how to
feel and how to give reaction of feelings, how to read and express hopes and fears
and how to express own feelings.