The literal meaning of the word Chakra
Chakras are vortices of Psychic energy and they are visualized and experienced as
circular movement of energy at particular rates of vibration. In each person, there are
myriads of chakras, but in the practices of tantra and yoga, only a few principal ones
are utilized. These chakras span the full spectrum of man in being, from the gross to
the subtle. The Chakras relate to physiological as well as psychic center whose
structures correspond more or less with the traditional descriptions. These nerve
centers are not situated inside the spinal cord itself, but lie like junctions on the
interior walls of the spinal column. If dissect and see the grey matter in the cross
section resembles the lotus shape and the ascending and descending tracts of nerve
fibers correspond to the nervous (nadis). These communicating nerve fibers control
the different physiological functions of the body.
Chakra are like centrally placed electricity poles from electrical wires that
runs to different places, house and street lights in the vicinity, this arrangement is the
same for each every chakra. The nadis that emerge from each chakra carry prana
(breath) in both directions. There is a forward and backward pranic motion in the
nadis. The outgoing communication and the incoming reaction enter and level the
chakras in the form of this pranic flow to the corresponding nadis.
(SwamySathyananda Saraswathi 1984).
The chakras
describe the chakras in a spiritual or symbolic way, the surgeon may describe the
chakras as a bunch of nerve fibers making up what we call the plexuses, and a
clairvoyant will describe the energy manifestations of the chakras in yet a different
(SwamySathyananda Saraswathi 1984) Rather than trying to