The basis of the ectomorph's training should be complex moves, that is multi-joint exercises. Among them it is worth to point out the following: deadlifts, squats, bench pressing, barbell pressing, over head presses, .
Complex exercises cause the body to release more hormones, including growth hormone and testosterone.
Ectomorph should rely on free weights, mainly barbells and barbells, and during training perform 3-4 exercises for smaller muscle groups and 5-6 exercises for larger muscle groups.
Ectomorph has to work harder than other body types to achieve the desired results of training for muscle mass. To get them as soon as possible, you need to remember about the principle of doing compound exercises and gradually increasing the load.
◆◆◆ Remember that even the best workout plan will not give you a guarantee of HUGE MUSCLES if you don't take care of your nutrition and especially the key thing, that is, SURPLUS of calories.⚠
◆ Specific Full Body Workout Plan ★★★
◆ 18 spaces for daily workout ( log exercises, number of reps, sets, load
used, date. Enough for 6 Week Cycle
◆ 42 spaces for calorie counting and macro nutrients. Enough for 8 weeks
◆ 12 spaces to create your own recipes with calorie and macro nutrients
◆ 2 pages to track your progress (body measurements and priorities)
◆ Space for setting a specific goal
◆ Formula to calculate your daily calorie requirement (calculate how much calorie you need to eat to build muscle or burn fat