Are you struggling to lose weight or struggling to keep the weight off?
In CBT, being the main technique in the Beck Diet, your physical actions are believed to impact your thoughts and emotions directly. By keeping your physical actions focused on maintaining your overall health and supporting your wellness, you can tell your mind that you matter and that you deserve to be taken care of. With psychological disorders like depression, not taking care of your physical self is a common symptom that can further deteriorate the way you feel and your ability to bounce back from depressive episodes. Taking care of yourself can help you combat these feelings and behave in a way that keeps your depression at bay by ensuring that you feel good overall. Furthermore, you ensure that your body's physical systems are functioning healthily which supports the healthy functioning of your brain; therefore, promoting a more positive mindset overall.
When it comes to increasing your physical wellness with the specific aim of supporting your CBT efforts, there are four main areas that you want to pay attention to. These are food and water, hygiene, physical activity, and resting. By paying attention to these four areas and behaving in a way that promotes their health, you ensure that you stay physically healthy; thus, promoting your healthier mindset.
This book covers:
- The Beck Diet Solution Basics
- Easy-to-follow Recipes
And Much More...
When you are experiencing things such as anxiety and depression, staying on top of your dietary habits is not always easy. With both conditions, it is not uncommon to avoid eating often because you genuinely feel as though you are not hungry. The reality is that you are hungry; however, your increased stress has resulted in your appetite being suppressed so that the energy that would be used to digest food can instead be used to manage your symptoms of stress. Because of this suppressed appetite, it is not uncommon to completely avoid eating or to find yourself only eating the things you absolutely crave. Eating this way for a prolonged period of time can result in your body becoming even more stressed because it lacks the nutrients that it needs to thrive. Once your body begins to lack vital nutrients, a whole slew of other issues can arise. This can lead to increased stress, increased anxiety and depression, decreased resiliency, decreased immune system functions, and many other troubling symptoms that can further impede your ability to experience a healthy life, including emotionally.
Focusing on eating a good healthy diet on a day-to-day basis is important if you want to nourish your body and reduce the number of stress hormones being produced inside of you. If you need to, start with eating small healthy meals or snacks throughout the day as a way to begin building up your appetite. As your body grows used to these smaller meals and snacks, you will be able to continually increase the amount of food that you are eating on a consistent basis until you find yourself consuming healthy portions daily.
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