In a city plagued by a string of brutal murders, Detective Aiden Blackwood, renowned for his unmatched intellect and unique ability to see through the eyes of the perpetrators, becomes the last hope in bringing a notorious serial killer to justice. With an IQ surpassing +170, he possesses an uncanny understanding of human behavior and an exceptional talent for deciphering complex puzzles.
Aiden, a man with an air of mystery, stands at 1.70 meters tall, emanating an aura of intensity with his piercing green eyes, black hair, and a well-groomed mustache. Despite his exceptional abilities, he often battles his own inner demons while remaining grounded in his strong religious beliefs, particularly his conviction in the concept of Karma - that what goes around, comes around.
As the body count rises and the police are confounded by the killer's cunning nature, Aiden delves into the twisted mind of the murderer to unravel the enigma. He immerses himself in the victims' lives with empathy, feeling their fear and despair, using his extraordinary skill to see through their eyes.
Aiden balances his investigative efforts with passion for literature, indulging in reading, poetry, and the intricacy of puzzles. These hobbies serve as conduits for him to find hidden meaning within the chaos of the crimes, drawing him closer to the truth.
Throughout the investigation, Aiden is haunted by memories of past lives, which he believes to be glimpses into the cycle of reincarnation. These experiences become integral to his thought process, occasionally introducing unconventional clues that help him connect the dots in solving the case.
As Aiden delves deeper into the case, he discovers a web of interconnected events dating back to his own childhood. The killer, driven by a dark secret tied to Aiden's past, lures him into a deadly game of wits. The detective's sharp intellect and attentiveness to intricate details become his greatest strengths, enabling him to anticipate the killer's moves and thwart his plans.
In a final confrontation, Aiden confronts the serial killer face-to-face, engaging in a battle of wits. The climax is a heart-stopping moment of intense psychological warfare, as the detective's exceptional skills clash with the killer's obsession-driven intellect. Through clever deduction and unraveling of the killer's motives, Aiden turns the tables and brings justice to the victims.