I have four famous friends who will be my brothers to the end. Some of whom you will already know: Bill, Bryon, Burns, and Keats famously penned their poems upon bedsheets. Imagination with a dash of inspiration comes a breath of fresh air... Poetry lost? (T'was never so). Simply admiring a view and waiting for you-know-who.
Behold a collection of priceless gems, none less than a king's ransom poetry that is deeply insightful and inspiring, influenced by the greatest poets over generations, including Bill, Burns, and Keats, not to forget Oscar Wilde. Comedy greats over the years, such as the Monty Python team and "Blackadder," also influence dark joviality, telling us that there is some brightness to be had in this perplexing world in which we live.
A Beautiful Mind by Poetry Defined, across thirty-six poems, offers a unique and ubiquitous perception of human life, its challenges, and all it stands for. From deep interpersonal issues we all face, such as mental illness, doubt, confusion, low self-esteem, and the struggles of everyday life, to global concern of pandemics and climate change, this inspiring collection of poetry derives from the intrinsic imagination of a truly aspirational poet; a collector of thoughts and a penman of intellect and beauty. "In this life, we are either players or spectators. I would always rather be a player than be on the sidelines as a spectator and watching."
For some of you, this book may well be what finally pushes you across from that side to the other. This could well be your life-changing moment.
Yes, it will be a big decision, and so will your own journey begin. As and when it does, please keep in touch with me through my website. I would love to hear how you are getting on.
Poetlaureate.online is where you can find me.