Do you want to know everything about slow cooking?
In this book I will introduce you to the basics of low-carb diet, show you advantages of following it and of course - the best easy to make low carb slow cooker recipes that are absolutely delicious.
Low-carb diet is great choice if you want to lose weight, improve blood sugar, balance your cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure.
I greatly encourage you to read this book from start to finish to realize that dieting can be fun and creative experience. You will never feel the need to go back to tasty "junk food" because with this book you will get even better tasting healthy food.
Recipes are easy to follow and benefits are exponential. How much easier it would be to stop for takeout on the way home, order delivery, or even pop a frozen dinner in the microwave! But what if you could change that and come home to a hot, healthy, home-cooked meal that's ready to eat the minute you walk in the door? A slow cooker makes that dream a reality.
Since you're holding this book, you likely already follow a low-carb diet or have been advised to begin one to shed excess weight or moderate your blood glucose levels. So, you know that eating a low-carb diet isn't always easy. Grabbing a quick bite is hard when you can't eat bread or crackers, pizza, pasta, or last night's leftovers over rice. Cooking your own meals becomes essential when you commit to a low carb diet and using a slow cooker can take a lot of stress out of preparing meals. And the best thing is that with good recipes, you don't have to give up eating delicious foods to stick to your low-carb plan.
Remember that there are many types of diets, the reader is invited to search and find information on others, in order to have a broader idea and to be able to better choose the one best suited to him. The ketogenic diet is a type of diet, it undoubtedly has significant advantages, it can make you lose weight and maintain muscle mass, but as mentioned above it is not the only one.
It should be stressed, however, that the ketogenic diet is considered safe, the side effects are minimal and temporary. Clearly, like all particular approaches, they provide contraindications in some pathological cases.
This book covers:
- What Is Low-carbohydrate Diet
- Basic Concepts of Low-carb Diet
- Advantages of low-carb diet
- Breakfast
- Vegetables
- Main
- Meat Recipes
And much more!!!
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