"An impressive, unique anthology comes alive with spectacular photographs and vivid poetry... A beautiful book"
South Asia is a vast, vibrant mix of fascinating landscapes, diverse culture and once in a lifetime experiences. Eastern Voices takes you on a poetic journey through the excitement and mystery that is South Asia.
This voyage of discovery will take you to India, Nepal and Pakistan.
Experience the countries from the perspective of both tourists and locals alike. Let Eastern Voices guide you on a tour of the region exploring the majesty of the Taj Mahal, scouting for tigers in the backwaters of Kerala and travelling through the stunning scenery of the Himalayas. Through the pages of this anthology, you will journey to the heart of South Asia.
"The cover of this anthology really intrigued me due to a lifetime love or obsession with elephants. I had never seen a painted elephant before so I had to take a look. I can honestly say I have never read an anthology like this one...It's more of a multi-sensory experience than a mere book. East Asia comes alive with beautiful photographs of the region while the poetry gives you little-known insights into the different countries which travellers rarely see." review by Karen Jones
The poets published in this anthology were carefully selected from a worldwide search by Lost Tower Publications. Many of the poets in this anthology are award-winning poets which is reflected in the beauty, creativity and uniqueness of the poetry of Eastern Voices which includes the reflective Indian poets Aditya Shankar and Sunil Sharma. While Rosalyn Mahratta's poetry gives the reader a fascinating, honest view of life in the Himalayas. Pakistan the home of the second highest mountain in the world, K2, is also represented in Eastern Voices by the new generation of Pakistani poets including Amina Agha.
This anthology features work: Amina Agha, Gargi Sarkhel Bagchi, Trivarna Hariharan, Pamela Hope, Rosalyn Marhatta, Sonnet Mondal, Hina Nasir, Sarah Rahman, Tista Ray, P.J. Reed, Aftab Yusuf Shaikh, Aditya Shankar, Shloka Shankar, Sunil Sharma, Bhisma Upreti and Chris Wardle.
'East Asia comes alive with beautiful photographs of the region while the poetry gives you little-known insights into the different countries of South Asia which travellers rarely see.'