About the Book
This book outlines the basic principles needed for enjoyable and effective parenting, which focus on preventing problems, using encouragement, preparation, communication and teaching skills. Modelling healthy behaviour, giving responsibility, and arranging stimulating activities are of equal importance. Children thrive on lots of positive attention and nurturing. It is very important that we socialise our loved ones, so that they can behave appropriately in different environments, and successfully navigate school, work and life generally. This book provides vital information about positive and effective ways to influence children to co-operate. It will also talk about managing common difficult areas, imparting beneficial values and setting limits. It dispenses with the need for material rewards, and challenges the commonly accepted notion of obedience. Parents can be shown how to maintain an authoritative style, whilst developing a happy, fun relationship with their children. The techniques presented are very helpful for improving relationships in general. Carole believes that we need to focus on the type of human beings we want to raise, right from the beginning, and to put strategies in place, to move in the right direction. If we want to raise happy, confident, caring, self-disciplined, independent, stable, well-mannered, responsible, competent and successful people, we need to educate ourselves on the best way to achieve this. Carole's aim, in writing this book, is to let parents know, that parenting doesn't have to be a chore. We can look after ourselves and raise wonderful children, at the same time. Parenting needn't be about sacrificing our own particular needs. Effective parenting does not come naturally, unless our own parents practised high quality parenting. Even if the parenting we received was lacking, we can still change our style, and find parenting much easier, successful and more fulfilling. It's never too late. Family life can be tremendously satisfying and rewarding, providing a balanced lifestyle is achieved, and specific parenting skills are understood, and consistently used. Self-care essentials and time management ideas will be suggested in this book. Not only will parents and carers gain confidence in their ability to parent positively and successfully, but they will learn how to enjoy their time with their children, adolescents and spouse or partner. Most parents have good intentions, and love their children, but haven't learnt and practised, the most effective skills of parenting, which this unique, important book offers. It is primarily aimed at parents and carers of toddlers to teenagers. Caregivers, grandparents, single parents, separated parents and guardians will similarly find it highly beneficial. It is for everyone working in the parenting 'industry'; childcare workers, parent educators, schoolteachers and school counsellors. Unlike many other parenting books, this one focuses on the needs of the children and the parents. The majority of parenting books require much self-sacrifice on the part of parents, which is neither healthy, nor desirable. Bringing up children shouldn't be arduous. It should be an enjoyable, enriching experience for the children and parents; mutually satisfying, nurturing and beneficial throughout their lives. This book is written in a way that is easy for parents and carers to digest and apply. This work gives a thorough outline of the necessary ingredients for an enjoyable and fulfilling family life. It is based on principles intended to get families working peacefully and harmoniously, which the author has used for over 34 years with the children in her care. She is a mother of 4, a qualified and experienced Parent Educator, Primary Teacher, Childcare Worker and Nanny. She has learnt that you can't give much to your children, unless you are immersed in a satisfying lifestyle of your own.
About the Author: Carole Disseldorp is a Parent Educator who has had 35 years experience working with children and parents. She has 4 wonderful grown children. Carole cares deeply for the well-being of all children, parents and carers, and knows highly effective ways to raise children and adolescents. They can become happy, confident, caring, self-disciplined, independent, stable, well-mannered, competent and successful people. Carole has worked as a Primary Teacher for over 5.5 years, a full-time, Stay-at-home Mum for 16 years, a Parent Educator for 5.5 years, a Childcare Worker for 4 years and a Nanny for 2.5 years. She is also the Founder and Manager of Easier Parenting - www.easierparenting.com.au. Parents and carers have the unique opportunity to visit, email, ring and/or skype for valuable support with parenting. Assistance is tailored to the client's specific needs, individual/family situation and experiences. One-on-one attention is given, for as much time as is needed, for the client to feel confident and successful with their parenting. Carole is able to assist parents and others caring for toddlers through to teens, in an encouraging, empathetic, effective and understanding manner. Effective parenting does not generally come naturally, as many of us previously believed. Parenting skills can also be applied to general relationships with others - family, friends and strangers. Carole strongly believes that a great many of the problems in society, such as abusive, unhealthy and dangerous behaviours, could be prevented, if parents and carers were given better parent education, when their children were young. However, it is never too late to improve relationships.