Ease the Squeeze provides practical approaches to setting personal and family goals, getting out of debt, setting up a budget, applying more discipline to spending decisions, saving more money, giving more and with a proper motive, becoming financially free, and bolstering our family and spiritual lives in the process. The book is 396 pages of up-to-date research and chock full of helps to include checklists, self-tests, worksheets, action points, money-saving ideas and educational and discount WEB sites. It includes a toolbox of 50+ graphs and tables. Ease the Squeeze is loaded with daily application opportunities and money-saving ideas!
You will discover:
How to develop a LIFE PLAN (mission for living), a FINANCIAL PLAN, and a GIVING PLAN.
How to develop personal and family goals for your life and finances.
How to set up a realistic, structured plan to get out of debt quickly.
How to set up a budget that is realistic, easy to understand, easy to manage, and tailored for YOU!
How to develop a financial plan with both short and long-term goals.
Practical ways to save more money and control your spending immediately.
Explores FINANCIAL FREEDOM- what it is, and how to achieve it.
Relates the author's personal story and lessons learned along the journey from massive debt to NO DEBT (includes paid off mortgage), and the ability to give 30%.
Biblical approaches to money management and sound advice on giving and stewardship.
Spiritual applications and insights regarding choices, priorities, materialism, needs/wants, debt, giving, investing, the tithe vs. voluntary giving, simplification, etc.