When friendly competition turns four disparate car enthusiasts into speed-addicted street racers, they find out they share more than just an addiction to adrenaline...
In bustling metropolitan Manzano Springs, New Mexico, four friends (Chris, a contract welder, Brandon, an architect, Jason, a corporate executive, and Eric, a college student) suddenly find themselves navigating self-discovery in both their professional and private lives while sharing nothing in common save their love of fast cars-or so they thought.
When lifelong friends Chris and Eric embark on a seemingly light-hearted, fun string of intimate encounters, their carelessness leads them into getting caught by one of their other lifelong connections, Brandon. In the embarrassment, Chris can't figure out why it bothers him so much that Brandon saw him. Worse yet, why Brandon reacts completely different from what he would have expected.
Old feelings for Brandon surface as Chris and Eric continue their "situationship." That is, until their new friend Jason nearly catches them entangled in each other's arms. Eric's newly awakened appetite makes his eyes wander and Jason seems all too happy to oblige, causing Chris to suddenly re-evaluate his feelings for Brandon.
Will Jason and Eric's passion for each other burn out before it has time truly bud into love? Will Brandon and Chris' past finally clear up why they've been a "Missed Connection" for most of their lives?
Fast cars instigate a lot of drama, and these boys are always up for the challenge; whether that challenge be on the road, in the bedroom, or from outside of their group.