La génesis, ejecución y secuelas del día D a través de los ojos del propio Winston Churchill.
Al amanecer del 6 de junio de 1944, el desembarco de la mayor armada de buques jamás reunida comenzó a las 6:30 horas. Durante la noche, los paracaidistas aseguraron el flanco oriental de la zona de desembarco, mientras que otras Divisiones Aerotransportadas estadounidenses protegían el flanco occidental para evitar contraataques alemanes. Cuando Gran Bretaña se despertó con la noticia del desembarco, la declaración formal ante la Cámara de los Comunes recayó sobre su Primer Ministro, Winston Churchill. Aunque Churchill era consciente de la enorme responsabilidad que tenía para con los soldados británicos y los civiles franceses, y aunque sabía que sus oponentes políticos cuestionarían su liderazgo, apenas compartirá las conversaciones, los pensamientos más íntimos, las deliberaciones y las decisiones que ha estado tomando y que seguirá tomando en este día. Todo pende de un hilo.
El Día D de Churchill ofrece exactamente esa historia viva, una oportunidad sin precedentes para que los lectores vivan la Invasión de Normandía como la vivió el propio Bulldog británico.
"Do you realize that by the time you wake up in the morning twenty thousand men may have been killed?" - Winston Churchill to Clementine Churchill, 5 June 1944 From the world's greatest collection of his personal papers comes the genesis, execution, and aftermath of D-Day through the eyes of Winston Churchill himself.
In Churchill's D-Day, Allen Packwood, one of the world's foremost Churchill experts, and Richard Dannatt, former leader of the entire British Army, narrate and analyze Sir Winston Churchill's emotional turmoil and epic decision-making before, during, and after the world-defining action of D-Day. Culled from the official Churchill Papers at the Churchill Archives Centre, the book features historical documents, photographs, letters, and more, for a documentary, hour-by-hour, Churchillian experience of D-Day leadership, military strategy, and humanity.
As dawn breaks on June 6th, 1944, the landings from the greatest armada of ships ever assembled begins at 0630hrs. Overnight paratroopers from the British 6th Airborne Division secure the eastern flank of the landing zone with the U.S. 82nd and 101st Airborne Division securing the western flank to reduce the risk of German counter attacks.
The Allied battle, codenamed Operation Overlord, has begun to take shape.
When Great Britain awakes to the news of the landings on their radios, the expectation to make a formal statement to the House of Commons lands on the shoulders of their Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. While Churchill is aware of the huge responsibility he bears for the British soldiers and French civilians, and while he knows his political opponents will question his leadership, no one else in the world is aware of the conversations, innermost thoughts, deliberations, and decisions he's been making and will continue to make on this day. Everything hangs in the balance.
Churchill's D-Day provides exactly that living history, an unprecedented opportunity for readers to experience the Invasion of Normandy as the British Bulldog experienced it himself.