About the Book
Daviro, pleasec come with me timbotaura nyaya, siya Chipo naRunya vambopedzerana makuhwa avo, ndakatevera mushure maSimba asi tichingobuda ndakanzwa kachikuwe kumashure Chipo naRunya vachisara vachirovana maokoNdakatevera Simba paye ndokunopinda muroom maaiti ndemake, ii aiwa mainge muri muroom zve ndkapa ndega kutenda. Maive neKing size bed yemari, fully furnished then yobva yaita side raive ne kasmall bath and toilet yaive neka veranda paside kainge kakatarisa paroom yaive neindoor swimming pool nefully furnished Gym, ini hezvo ndokurikubva maMuscles ese aya nhai. Maive zve mumba mechirungu umu, ko isu ana Davi taizvizivirepi, pandakanzi you can take a seat paurikuda ndainge ndotoshaya pekuisa magadziko angu ndopaakazoti feel free Davi, gara hako pamubehda apo, ini aha, ipo pamubhedha musvinu kudai, ndokugara hangu kumahombe kombe chaiko semunhu ane kwaari kumhanyira kuda kuenda ndaive ndakagara pamubhedha zviya zvemuroora mutsva achangosvika pamusha pakaroorwa, kugara kukakona kemubhedha ndakpeta maoko. Apa ndipo Simba paakadhonza chair yaive padressing table pake ndokuswedera pedyo neni, ndokundibata maoko, ndokuti Davi, you know i heard the conversation yawanga uchiita naChipo ndisati ndapinda hangu mukitchen, i heard everythig, but the truth is ichokwadi zvese zvataurwa naChipo, ndingadai ndakakuudza kare, but the fact yekuti waive mudiki and circumstances at the time zvakavharana, so now i am back, i know uchiri mudiki, but sha makurire awaita aya unowanikwa neatanga, so tell me, hauna mukomana here Davi? Akandivhunza Simba akanditarisa mumaziso chaimo, ini ndokuti aah handina in Simba, ndomuwanepi, iye ndokusekerera hake ndokuti, nhema dzako unoshaya neiyi nemanakiro awakaita aya, kuita kaPetite body kakadai, kamudya ndakaringa nzira, ugoshaya anoti ndokuda shuwa here iyoyo, ndipo ndakati aiwa, what i am saying is handina mukomana nekuti i was focusing nezvechikoro hangu. Iye ndokuti ´ya zviri bho nekuti ukuzvichengetedza, but be honest Davi ko ini unondiona sei, ini ndokuti ah ah ah ndichindandamira kutadza kutaura ndokuzoti, iih ndokuda hangu ini Simba but ko kuchikoro ndozodii, i want to go for A-level ndozoitawo Pharmacist saChipo uyu, its my dream and i want to work towards it for it to come true sezvakaita Chipo uyu. Simba akatura befu ndokuti look Davi, i am not here kuzokukanganisa chikoro but, we can reach an agreement kuti i can wait for you kusvika wapedza A-Level, tozopisa hedu rudo rwedu, i have waited for you all this long 5 years Davi kusvika nhasi hapana kana pandingazombokuite rough, uri wangu iwe, after all ist only 2 years iniwo i still have two more years paHavard University, i am extending my programme, ndichikumirira shaa, but we can still do things together like going out for movies, games etc. pese pandinnege ndiri kuno, i will ccome to see you 3 times a year at least. Most of the time, iwe naRunya muchange muchigara naChipo uyu, she has a good heart futi anokufarira Daviro, akadaro Simba achisumuka paaive ari ndokuuya pandaive ndkagara, takatarisana maziso, ndokubva andipa a small soft kiss pahuma apa, mafeelings aye zvino andainzwa pese paaive padhuze neni akabva atowedzerwa zviye zvekuti i no longer had control over my body, ndainge ndongoti chauya chauya because Simba ndainge ndichimuda kubva the very first day randakamuona mubhazi ravo ndirichingobuda pasi peseat, ndoiya inonzi pachirungu ´love at first sight, this was 5 years ago veduwe, ndiri pakufunga nekunakidzwa netsvodi iya yepahuma akwedzera zve ime kiss pahuro apa achidzika kusvika pamalips angu mwana wevanhu ndainge ndatove mudenga rechinomwe. This was my very first kiss murudo . He took me in his arms ndobva tarara hedu pabed yake akangondimbundira rubbing his arms in circular motions on my back iya yavanoti massage muchirungu pasina zvimwe zvakaitika, veduwe i slept like a baby, kutozomuka mangwana makuseni kwatochena, ndichiwana Runya naSimba vari mukitchen vachibika havo breakfast.