About the Book
Behn, C. and Kraml, J: Gait Transitions in Artificial Non-standard Snake-like Locomotion Systems Using Adaptive Control.- Breńkacz, L., Żywica, G., Drosińska-Komor, M. and Szewczuk-Krypa, N: The Experimental Determination of Bearings Dynamic Coefficients in a Wide Range of Rotational Speeds, Taking into Account the Resonance and Hydrodynamic Instability.- Burdzik, R: Analysis of Rail Vibration Signal Time and Frequency Structures Generated by Different Mechanisms.- Chmielewski, A., Gumiński, R., Mydlowski, T., Malecki, A. and Bogdziński, K: Model Based Research on ICE Engine Powered by Alternative Fuels.- Chmielewski, A., Możaryn, J., Gumiński, R., Bogdziński, K. and Szulim, P: Experimental Evaluation of Mathematical and Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Energy Storage System.- Csukas, E.-S. and Duma, V.-F: Finite Element Analysis of a Configuration of Optomechatronic Choppers with Rotational Shafts.- Danek, W. and Pawlak, M: Charpy Impact Testing Machine in Modeling of Vehicle Frontal Crash with Street Lights.- Dutkiewicz, M: Interaction of Bridge Cables and Wake Behind in the Vortex Induced Vibrations.- Dyk, S., Byrtus, M. and Smolík, L: Steady-state Behaviour of the Jeffcott Rotor Comparing Various Analytical Approaches to the Solution of the Reynolds Equation for Plain Journal Bearing.- Falborski, T., Soltysik, B. and Jankowski, R: Numerical Investigation on Dynamic Performance of a Multi-storey Steel Structure Model and Comparison with Experimental Results.- Fiebig, W: Accumulation of the Energy in Mechanical Resonance.- Górka, J. and Jamrozik, W: Application of Time-frequency Methods for Assessment of Gas Metal Arc Welding Condition.- Grzelczyk, D., Biesiacki, P., Mrozowski, J. and Awrejcewicz, A: A 3-link Model of a Human for Simulating a Fall in Forward Direction.- Grzelczyk, D. and Awrejcewicz, J: Reflectance and Transmittance of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Sandwiched Between Polarizers.- Herisanu, N. and Marinca, V: Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of a Rotating Electrical Machine Rotor-Bearing System Using Optimal Auxiliary Functions Method.- Jarzębowska, E., Augustynek, K. and Urbaś, A: Development of a Computational Based Reference Dynamics Model of a Flexible Link Manipulator.- Jasionowski, R. and Kostrzewa, W: Optimization of Geometry of Cavitational Tunnel Using CFD Method.- Kik, T., Moravec, J. and Nováková, I: Application of Numerical Simulations on 10GN2MFA Steel Multilayer Welding.- Komorski, P., Nowakowski, T., Szymanski, G. M. and Tomaszewski, F: Application of Time-frequency Analysis of Acoustic Signal to Detecting Flat Places on the Rolling Surface of a Tram Wheel.- Kosiara, A., Cholodowski, J. and Skurjat, A: Development of a Prototype Dynamic Weighing System for Single Bucket Excavator.- Kralikova, R., Badida, M., Sobotova, L. and Badidova, A: Design of Illumination and Lighting Visualization by Simulation Methods.- Maciąg, P., Malczyk, P. and Frączek, J: Optimal Design of Multibody Systems Using the Adjoint Method.- Miroslaw, T. and Zawadzki, A: Non-linear Modelling of Human Body Dynamic.- Mitoraj, R. and Szczotka, M: Dynamics of a Portable Module Handling System.- Palechor, E. U. L., Machado, M. R., de Morais, M. V. G. and Bezerra, L. M: Dynamic Analysis of a Beam with Additional Auxiliary Mass Spatial via Spectral Element Method.- Palczyński, T: Influence of Air Temperature on Dynamic Properties of Pipes Supplied with Pulsating Flow.- Palczyński, T. and Lagodziński, J: Model of Kinetic Energy Recuperation System for City Buses.- Saków, M., Marchelek, K., Parus, A., Pajor, M. and Miądlicki, K: Signal Prediction in Bilateral Teleoperation with Force-Feedback.- Shahlaei-Far, S. and Balthazar, J. M: Method of Direct Separation of Motions Applied to a Non-Ideal Electromechanical Pendulum System.- Shatskyi, I. and Perepichka, V: Problem of Dynamics of an Elastic Rod with Decreasing Function of Elastic-Plastic External Resistance.- Shatskyi, I., Popadyuk, I. and Vel