About the Book
I wonder how many of Gods Children can honestly say, draw me God into your presence and I'LL come running to you. You see it takes a thirsty Child of God, to make a statement like this and truly mean it, BECAUSE YOU WILL HAVE TO LEARN THIS ONE THING, LAY DOWN YOUR LIFE AND FOLLOW HIM, FOR A LIFE LONG JOURNEY, in doing so God will be able to draw you into His mighty presence and reveal unto you the reasons why He drawn you, close to Him. Every Child of God needs to come to a place in their walk with God that you will say, "Lord please draw me unto you, draw me Lord and I will come running, I won't walk I'll run to you, draw me Jesus and I WILL COME." In doing this you will be making yourself available unto God, giving Him a free invitation to draw you right where you belong Spiritually, so Gods Spirit will be able to transform you into a Holy vessel for His use. You will have to have a thirst for more of God, to say, "Lord God please draw me into your Holy presence." Realize that no man, can come unto the Father least the Spirit draw them. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:44. Gods Spirit at many times tries to get our attention by drawing us, into the prayer closet, to pray and many shrug off the Spirit of God, as He tries to draw a Christian into prayer. A person not realizing God has a purpose for drawing you unto Himself, many never get the idea and keep on going on in life, suffering the loss of many things that Gods love was trying to work in a Child of Gods life. Has this happened unto you my dear reading friend? God tries many times to get the attention of His Children, to reveal Himself unto them, so He might be able to manifest His love to His beloved, simply saying unto you, as He can Spiritually draw you into a fellowship with Him. God wants a relationship with every one of us, it is up to you and I to perceive Gods Spirit when He begins to deal with our hearts and then say, "Here I am Lord, here I am Father." Come running unto the prayer closet and begin to pray, saying, "Draw me God unto yourself, draw me Lord and I'll come running. Really mean it, prove yourself unto God with your sincerity and not with lip service. The Word of God says for us to; let us not love in Word neither in tongue but in Spirit and in truth. I remember when I was a young Christian, I promised things to God and in my heart I meant every Word but there were times that I failed God and broke my vows unto Him, not really meaning to, yet I did, has this happened unto you maybe, my dear reading friend? When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed. Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay. Ecclesiastes 5:4-5. As an older Christian God has had time to establish me in the faith and now I have surrendered unto God in a deeper way than I lived, way back then, I am not the same any longer because I allowed God to Spiritually draw me into a Holy walk with Him, now when I make a vow to God I keep my promises, because I truly love God and I want His love, forever. I have learned many things over the years and I now know the importance of my fellowship with God and I cannot afford for anything to hinder my walk with Him because He has Spiritually drawn me into a Holy place in Him and I know it. Have you found this special favor in God's grace towards you my dear reading friend? It is so wonderful to know that God has drawn you into a special walk with Himself and He has revealed Himself unto you in many ways and for great purposes. And we are never to forget, how much we have been taught, to get to where God has brought us, in our walk with Him. God is raising all of us up to learn of His Spirit and to learn that, we have been entered into a Holy walk with God.
About the Author: My name is Pastor Luke L. Chapman. I haven't always been a preacher, quite the contrary. When I was a young teenager everyone always said: "Boy what a good kid Luke is. He is a wonderful young man." Because of a stepfather that had no love for me, my clothes were packed for me and placed on the front porch on Christmas morning. Arrangements were already made for a near friend to pick me up to take me to my real dad's home. This became a cycle unto me. I learned soon to take flight in life, realizing I'm on my own. I was kicked out of school for truancy, failure to want to go to school and to learn. This started a foundation for my life, for my ongoing future. My new friends taught me how to smoke, drink, and cuss and to tell lies. I graduated to smoking weed and using cocaine. I never drank or used cocaine on a regular basis. I just started on weekends or invited parties. I got married and had a Child when I was 21 years old. But, with a lifestyle of drinking, spending money in bars and not on bills or in my home, I soon went through a divorce. Does this sound familiar, like today's youths? At this time, now I'm remarried my wife and I are both cocaine addicts. My wife smoked weed? I sold weed and cocaine to supply our habits. My wife left me one day. I was arrested the same day and put in jail. In jail, I bowed my knees on the floor in my cell. I was the only one there that day. I called upon Jesus and was saved and sent to North Central Correctional Institution. I never thought anyone cared. But I was so wrong. What was meant for evil for me, God changed for the good. Prison became My Bible College. Prison was where God counseled me about my morals. God taught me about being a good husband, a good father unto my Children and how a preacher must live and act. I served six and a half years in prison to learn not do use drugs, not to walk through life aimlessly. I learned my lesson. God raised me up to be a preacher in prison. Prison was my lifesaver. Wow, what a statement one might say! The reason prison was my lifeline was I could have graduated to the other side of life... Six Feet Down. I almost did! I had a heart attack, just before I was sent to prison, from smoking crack cocaine. I almost died. Your Friend... The Harley Davidson Preacher Man Luke L. Chapman Gods Vision... A Ministry of Fire For information contact THE VILLAGE CARPENTER PUBLISHING HOUSE, PO Box 133, Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA or see TheVillageCarpenter.info