Have you always wished you could improve your health and gain more energy?
Well, you've come to the right place - keep reading!
With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Sebi has practiced and developed a unique herbal approach to enhance vitality and overall health!
Dr. Sebi's diet is centered on specific foods that are highly beneficial to our body. These foods increase alkalinity by preventing the formation of mucus and by balancing PH.
By carefully reading Dr. Sebi's comprehensive guide, you will discover how certain herbs, spices and foods are truly miraculous not only for weight loss and fitness, but especially for maintaining your health while increasing physical strength and vigor.
This diet focuses on alkalizing foods because they do not cause mucus in the body. This is based on the assumption that disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment. Dr. Sebi's approach maintains that disease arises from excess production of mucus. For example, bronchitis is caused by excess mucus in the bronchi, pneumonia is caused by excess mucus in the lungs, diabetes is caused by excess mucus in the pancreas, and arthritis is caused by excess mucus in the joints. Dr Sebi uses traditional herbs such as burdock, sarsaparilla and dandelion, which purify the blood and the liver.
Thanks to Dr. Sebi's remedies, thousands of people have been able to control diabetes and liver problems while improving their iron levels and controlling anemia.
Among the many things you will discover:
✓ The reason why hybrid foods are so dangerous
✓ A detailed list of foods approved by Dr. Sebi
✓ An easy to follow detailed explanation of the efficacy of Dr. Sebi's healing herbs
✓ The secrets to how to avoid the most common diseases, detoxify your liver and eliminate the risk of hypertension
✓ Lots of tasty recipes
And so much more!
If you want to take control of your life, click the "BUY NOW" button!