⭐️ 55% OFF for Bookstores! Retail Price Discounted for a Few More Days!Have You and Your Customers heard about Dr. Sebi?
Do They want to adopt the naturalist approach to eating?
Do They want to gain knowledge about Dr. Sebi's approved smoothie diet for detoxification and cleansing?
Are They really in need of organic herbs to cure and revitalize the body?
Have They really tried to hear more about the herbs of Dr. Sebi and his distinctive method to recovery by natural alkaline diets?
Then Your Customers Never Stop to Use This Awesome Book!
Don't worry. All your answers are right here in this small informative book.
Dr. Sebi was an herbalist, biochemist, pathologist, and naturalist until his demise. In South America, Central & North America, Africa, & the Caribbean, he personally studied and defined herbs and created a special technique and strategy to treating the body of humans using herbs that were confidently rooted in his more than 30 years of practice
If you want to help the body's detoxification, we should provide it with a healthy and natural diet of many minerals and secondary plant substances. Often, the alkaline diet, which is clean of pathogenic compounds, allows the intestines to relax a little more - because this is our health's core organ. Both alkaline diet foods are based on whole, raw foods, as similar as possible to their natural state. When your vices surround you, weight control is not always straightforward, but Fasting after Dr. Sebi can be the best choice to start your healthier lifestyle and make fresh fruits and veggies the foundation of your diet.
In this book, the following topics are covered: -
- Who is Dr. Sebi?
- Understanding Dr. Sebi's Approach
- Benefits and drawbacks of following Dr. Sebi's Diet
- List of cell foods and the foods that are to be avoided
- Heath safety and the diet
- Smoothie Diet
- Different smoothie recipes
- Recipes of Detox Beverages
This book is a guide for understanding what the diet is and how well it works for you.
Not only this book provides you with 50+ delicious and healthy smoothie recipes, treatments and cures for all diseases.
Apart from the smoothies, this book provides you with some recipes for amazing detox beverages.
Don't think and adopt this diet for staying fit and also losing weight.
⭐️Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book!⭐️