Do you suddenly crave something sweet during the day? Looking first at detoxification, smoothies-especially green smoothies-swiftly cleanse your body and remove harmful free radicals. Fibrous leafy greens and citrus fruits are paired together to make a delicious beverage with loads of antioxidants that target and remove toxins with ease. These smoothies are also carb free so they're suitable for different diets, too.
As for weight loss, a single smoothie can be as filling as any other snack but with more nutrients and little to no fat or carbs. Instead, all-natural ingredients will nourish and fill you without you having to worry about fat accumulating in the body. They can also help you avoid inflammation. Any smoothie prepared for weight loss should not be mixed with sugars or similar ingredients that can negatively impact your weight loss efforts.
The Green Smoothie Cleanse is that change for the better. It is comprised primarily of a green and leafy vegetable smoothie regimen that cleanses and detoxifies the body. While there are numerous books and sites that promote the theory, loads of leafy greens just hasn't caught on mainstream for a reason.
Purifying your system begins with using the natural detoxifying effects of fruits and vegetables to rid your body of the contaminants and poisons that have built up in your system. You don't have to shock your body into submission by fasting or going to extremes in an "all or nothing" approach to cleansing. We live in a garden of healthy choices-really healthy, organic, and varied choices. While almost no one eats enough leafy greens or fruits, just starting a slow and steady introduction of those vital foods will improve your health and your quality of life in a week. That shift is perhaps one of the most powerful effects of the Green Smoothie Cleanse. You're cleansing the pollutants not only from your body, but also ridding yourself of the addictive draw of those sugary, processed foods as you swap them out for real, wholesome, nutrient-rich foods.
Also, one of the most important features is reducing toxic exposure and sugar cravings. While you consume nutritious and filling smoothies, you don't have space for other food, especially junk-food. It means that you can easily avoid processed food, doing it unconsciously because of a lack of desire and hunger.
A vitamin-packed smoothie is a great way to drink your way to better skin. These blends are easy to digest, keep you hydrated, increase your energy levels and can help your skin glow. Your body doesn't need to work hard in order to break down the foods and extract all the goodness. In this e-book we look at the most beneficial smoothies for every type of skin. Keep reading to discover which ones are best for you.
This book covers:
- What Are Green Smoothies?
- Greens and Nutrition
- Greens and Healing
- Preparation and Pantry Essentials
- Key Ingredients
- Dr Sebi. Green smoothie recipes
And much more!!!
This detox is all about healing and repairing your body from the inside out, using REAL food by consuming pure raw nutrition. It's so easy that virtually anyone can follow this super simple and effortless plan. After the detox, you are guaranteed to feel more confident and look better in clothes. In fact, there is a chance you may have to splash out on a new wardrobe as you will not be able to fit into the clothes you are wearing today!