Michael Sharp is a sociologist and mystic who has traveled an accelerated path of spiritual awakening. In this book Michael shares with you the deep truths about your body and its true function as acreation device. In this book Michael explains to you about your bodies major energy system (i.e., its chakra system) and why it is so important to understand that system. The truth is, you're body is not "just dust". It is an amazing tool with unlimited creative potential. All you have to do, as Michael says, it get over your fear of it and activate it with a simple, 30 second meditation. In Dossier of the Ascension, Michael Sharp not only shows you how simple it is to activate, he also shows you how to keep your body activated and working at full power. Following a discussion of major system blockages and how to clear those, Michael goes on to explain the form, function, and purpose of each of your major chakras. The goal in this book is to get all your chakras open and blasting. The change that you see around you and that is accelerating starts here. If you want to be part of that positive sea of change, this book is for you.
--Reader Comments
The picture of Reality that Michael Sharp presented [is] so breathtakingly grand, so unbelievably comprehensive and spiritually beautiful, I said to myself that I would rather try this configuration of the truth and be wrong, than be right about anything else that I had ever come across
--Kelley Gardener
Thank you, Michael. I have read your first two books and have just ordered two more. Having been "on the Path" for many years (since the early 70's), these books put everything together for me like no other information I have come across. And, trust me, I have read hundreds of books.
--Jeweline B.
I just finished THE BOOK OF LIFE, DOSSIER OF THE ASCENSION, and THE SONG OF CREATION. What an extraordinary contribution you’ve made to the enlightenment of our little species! These are the best spiritual books I’ve read since Yogananda’s commentary on the Gita.
--William T. Hathaway - Author of Summer Snow
From the site, I downloaded free e-books, and then bought two e-books for $1.99 each at Amazon.com. It was a fascinating read, and to be honest, the best-ever return on investment of less than four bucks. They were the most inspiring and helpful books I've ever read in my entire life, bar none....
--Hak from Korea
--I have finished your Dossier book and can I say "WOW!" It's been about 3 weeks and I have been on the most life changing ride. I began immediately, even while reading the book, to do the invocation and POW, just like that opportunities for me to face and deal with the fears that were keeping me from fully utilizing my power flowed to me one after another....I began seeing those fears for exactly what they were and once I spoke them out loud and began processing them, they were able to be released.... I became really ill, and that too was another opportunity.... I really feel reborn!!!
--Cheryl Titterington
--Since reading the Dossier of Ascension, The Book of Light and the Book of Life as well as a few more of your publications, ALL of my relationships have improved tremendously. I thought my relationships were pretty good until I learned the truth about our creation. Words alone simply can not express my gratitude for dramatically improving the quality of my life (and those around me).
My lifelong goal is to follow your example in order to assist others in the ascension process and to assist them with acknowledging their unlimited potential! I could go on and on about the "miracles" in my life. Thank you for giving me just what I needed at this perfect "moment in time".
--Amy (elementary school principle)