You might think your situation is hopeless. There aren't many opportunities available to you. You've made mistakes in the past that you just can't seem to overcome. But let me tell you something that might shock you. It doesn't matter what your current situation is, if you want to improve, if you want to become successful, you can. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. If you need to change, you can. You control your future. The information in this book will be of benefit to those individuals who sincerely want to improve. Most of us wake up each day wanting to be successful, either personally or professionally. The difference between wanting success and earnestly wanting success is commitment. Once you commit to something, you do what is necessary to ensure your success. This means taking a close look at who you are, while truthfully evaluating and understanding how you are perceived by others.
Becoming successful can be difficult for many people. It involves making changes and, many times, doing things that you would prefer not to do. Before you rule out anything, think about what is involved in being successful. You can't be successful if you can't be trusted. You can't be trusted if you're not accountable. If you can't be held responsible you can't guide others. When you can't guide others, you're not a leader. One thing builds on the next. If you want more friends, you have to be a better friend. If you want more people to respect you, you have to do the things that people respect. You must always be improving, if you are going to succeed.
"Don't Wait for the Wind" provides many of the elements you must consider to grow and become successful. It offers a road map, if you will, for greater awareness of what is happening in your world. Do you have the confidence necessary to forge a successful path forward? Have you established a positive and consistent value system? Do you know who you can trust and why can you trust them? Do you think accountability is important and, if so, do you know how you can become more accountable. Do you really know how to negotiate? Do you know when people are lying to you? Do you understand how easily you can be deceived by little things such as text bridges? Do you consider yourself an effective communicator? Why? Do you actively listen to others? Are you skilled at analyzing problems? Do you usually develop the correct solution to a problem? What role do other personalities play in your achievement of success? What do you do if you're being bullied? How do you effectively control stress?
Those questions are only a few of the concerns each of us come across daily. As you advance through life things have a propensity to turn difficult and complex. Not being prepared can derail you at any point in your journey. It is important that you understand what many of these obstructions are so that you can take the appropriate action to avoid them. Anticipating and knowing how to handle these situations will differentiate you from others. The answers to many of your concerns are in this book.
"Don't Wait for the Wind" is not a text book, but it is a teaching tool. As such, the chapters build and reinforce the concepts and teachings of previous chapters. An essential key to teaching is repetition and reinforcement. A necessary element in learning is repetition and reinforcement. This book, like any other book, will only benefit you if take it seriously and you want to improve. If you truly desire to rise and be the success you dream about, this is a book you should study.
About the Author: I began my professional career teaching high school English. It was a rewarding experience that enabled me to accomplish many other things in life. Once I fulfilled my teaching contract, I went into sales with a Fortune 500 company. As I worked my way up "the corporate ladder" I had the opportunity to work for several very successful companies. Eventually I was promoted to upper management. In due course, I left the corporate environment to establish my own business. This move provided me the opportunity to put my skills to use benefiting others.
My business was to help others solve problems. This was done, in part, in consultation but generally through investigation of the work environments, corporate requirements, practices and personnel interviews. We made assessments of management skills, employee competencies, work conditions and group associations to determine why performance levels were below expectations, turnover was high or why profits were behind forecasted levels.
What I learned through this process is both amazing and disturbing. The amazing part is the number of very good people that I met. They projected a sincerity to do their very best within their allotted parameters. The disturbing part was the businesses that were poorly managed, lacked vision or had no respect for their employees. These conditions led to massive discontent among the employees. Most people don't actually know what to expect when they join an organization. They're just happy to have a job, but it is important that people learn how to maneuver through these uncertainties so that they can stay healthy and grow and prosper.
This is an important book because it was written to help the many people who want to improve their lives and relationships, but have difficulty knowing what steps they should take. It is also for those who want a decent job, or who are in fear that they will never have a chance to be successful. Too many people do not know what awaits them in the business market. They believe the world is fair and all employers are decent. This book explains how to develop the fundamentals to gain an insight to become successful. The success people want isn't limited by others, it is restricted by them.