About the Book
So then, what is the terms of agreement considering the facts that the devil is a liar and the inventor of all lies? One word, which this whole book is dedicated to, that one word is; PERSPECTIVES, In drawing or painting, a way of portraying three dimensions on a flat, two-dimensional surface by suggesting depth or distance.So, in general, there are a lot of ideas as to what perspective is, and what perspectives are, what we don't tend to look for in doing this finding out what the truth is in dealing with our want and need for answers. We watched a great movie about this a while back called "RAGE" this movie shows what happens when we refuse to see according to what really happened, a lot happened during the movie that didn't have to happen, if only the truth had come to play from the very beginning. Taking on the right perspective will many times leave us friendless, in this day and time, I would rather be friendless than walking hand in hand with the devil. In these definitions, I saw everything that was said except what I was looking for, common terms, perspective is having the ability to see things a certain way, from a different point of view, in most cases, in a way that is not generally thought of. How do we see the glass, is it half empty or half full, the glass makes no difference, but what you do with the life issues of how you see it makes all the difference, further example; if pertaining to how you saw the glass, if you saw it half full, does this mean that you see your life, half full? Trick question actually, the optimist will usually say that this is how we view things, but what I have found is this; most people are basically part time optimist and pessimist, so, depending on what is going on right now, will determine what they think about that, right now, but in the blink of an eye, all of that could change.In this course called the walk of perspectives, we tend to see what we want to see over what really is going on, there are indeed two sides to every coin, even if the coin is a two headed coin, there are still two sides to it, on today's market, the two headed identical coin are both lies and misconception, but, it does not have to be, what happens when both sides tell the truth, but at a different perspective? Take for example the Bible known as the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, taken on account that they all tell the same story, and it's all truth, but each of them saw the story from a different point of view.
About the Author: my name is Ollie Fobbs, some call me reverend, some called doctor, others call me evangelist, while still some others call me the Prophet, while on the other hand, many others call me the Apostle, these are titles, my name actually means apostle, but anyway, that's another story. For me, my life has not been a big bowl of cherries and ice cream, no, I've had some good days, and I've had some bad days, but, I do thank God, that He allowed me to still be here to write books, even if the Church never comes, I'm satisfied with life. At the present, I live in Winston Salem North Carolina with my wife LaVonia, who is a blessing right out of the hand of God, from the word go, she has been a real doll of a blessing, I do believe that if it had not been for the anointing on her life, I would have never wrote the first book, now I'm somewhere between 33 and 35 published books. I have one son, Drucyde Graves, who lives in Richmond Virginia, my Mom, Jennie Melton, my brothers Michael, Tommy, and Robert, all live in Richmond Virginia, my sister, father, and step father and god father all have gone on before me, my sister, Sherry Fleming, my father, Elder Ollie Fobbs, my step father, Leon Melton, and my godfather Fred Bates of Henrico Virginia, have all danced with the Lord. I was Ordained as a minister to teach the will of God in 1986, my first wife was divorced from me by then, her name is Robinette General, my son came along the same year that I was ordained. My second wife Joyce Smith came along the following year, we were married in 1988. by now it was time for me to enter the new world of responsibility, so I joined the military in 1988, was sent to Germany, and two years later, I was on my way home to Virginia, ready to be divorced, that's all I'm saying. By now, many of the troubles in my body had already come forth to hinder my life, but what was getting ready to happen was totally unexpected. Life got hard fast, and my health went down hill fast, work was done on an as could basis, so, I constantly jumped from temp company to temp company, until I finally went homeless, this was the second time, this lasted until the winter hit, and my mother told me to come stay with her. The American church had denied my right to teach the word, so I was a teacher where ever I was, in the grocery stores, the laundry mart, the video stores, the porn shops, if I could catch a listful ear, the word of God went forth.