Your Guide to Skin Cancer With Case Illustrations
Are you concerned about a lump on your face that has been bleeding? Do you find that your skin is still getting burned even if you use sunscreen? Are you unsure of your child's moles- whether they are normal, should you get them checked? And what about the scaly sores on your fathers scalp that seem to be increasing? Have you had a friend or heard of a young person who has died from malignant melanoma? Would you like to know about creams that can reverse sun damage, protect your skin from further sun damage, and make you look younger at the same time?
Your Guide to Skin Cancer with Case Illustrations has been written by Dr Richard Climie, an experienced Family Physician from Tasmania, Australia. He has spent over 20 years treating patients of all ages with skin cancer. Dr Climie uses cases taken from his own patients to demonstrate how he has diagnosed and treated skin cancer. And he discusses important, clinically proven ways for you to prevent skin cancer from developing, beyond the usual sunscreens and "covering up". Including the use of antioxidant creams that will both protect and rejuvenate your skin.
Dr Climie discusses such topics as:
- What causes skin cancer?
- What does skin cancer look like?
- Why are some people more prone to develop skin cancer?
- What factors indicate a mole may be cancerous?
- How your diet can increase, or decrease, your risk of developing skin cancer.
- How you can reverse the effects of over exposure to solar radiation, and rejuvenate your skin, and look years younger.
- What's the difference between a mole and a melanoma?
- How do you avoid getting skin cancer?
- Why don't sunscreens stop your skin from getting damaged by the sun?
- How taking a simple vitamin pill can reduce your risk of skin cancer by 30%
- Should you have your skin checked, and how often, and by whom?
- Why do more people seem to be developing skin cancer?
- What are the treatments for skin cancer?
- Do all skin cancers have to be cut out surgically?
- Can children get skin cancer?
- Should you get your child's moles checked?
Your Guide to Skin Cancer contains a wealth of photographs of skin cancers of all types, with close up photos of skin cancers and skin surgery. Dr Climie explains in easily understood language how skin cancers develop, how to protect yourself and your family, as well as the various ways doctors treat these conditions.
This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to know the best ways of recognizing and preventing the development of skin cancer, as well as the treatments available- both surgical and non- surgical.