About the Book
In Don't Be Bitter, Be Better, Yolanda L. Robinson, an experienced speaker, youth mentor, and professional life coach, shares some of what she has witnessed and learned over the years about self-empowerment. Her guide is not about taking shortcuts, but learning how to work hard in order to be successful, get what you want, and fulfill your dreams. Encouraging you to believe that you are worthy of God's gifts, she teaches you how to recognize obstacles, overcome them, and celebrate life whether your achievements are big or small. Providing tips, suggestions, exercises, and creative solutions, her little book is guaranteed to lead you towards improved performance, enhanced relationships, increased satisfaction, and most important of all, self-confidence. Are family, career, business, financial, and relationship issues holding you back? Stop being bitter, be better, and move on! If you yearn for an empowered life grounded in passion and purpose, it's entirely up to you to make the effort. It's all about treating time as a precious commodity, seeing the big picture, and defining a realistic plan. This invaluable resource is sure to help you along the way.
About the Author: A motivational speaker, youth mentor, and Happiness Specialist, life coach, Yolanda L. Robinson has over Ten years of experience addressing a diverse range of audiences. Featured on television and radio shows in New Jersey, Georgia, Philadelphia, and other cities throughout the country, she has received rave reviews for her coverage of family, personal, and community issues that mainstream media tends to overlook. Founder and CEO of Living a Powerful Life/In-Her-Shoes, Yolanda has received many awards, regularly writes a newsletter called Women 2 Women, and has recently published a self-help guide entitled Don't Be Bitter, Be Better. Sharing her personal thoughts on life, family, relationships, spirituality, and struggles, her book is a compilation of the lessons she has both taught and learned through trial and error. "When I was given lemons, I wish there had been a book that outlined what life really entailed, what skills were needed, and what the real issues were that contributed to setbacks and success," she says. "And what a bright and dark future looked like." Making a long story short, she combines her experiences with those of others to help readers become empowered and get a jumpstart in a new direction. "At its best, life is never boring," she adds. "At its worst, it's never dull." Offering tips, suggestions, exercises, and quotes from the Bible to make your everyday life fabulous, some of the topics she covers are as follows: -Family Values -Respecting your Time -Culture and Identity -Connecting with your Inner Self -Addictions -Relationships -Community and Unity -Celebrating What's Right with your World -Planting a Seed and Letting it Grow -Trying to Make a Dollar out of Fifteen Cents -You are Never Alone Yolanda maintains that becoming aware of yourself is about your own personal sense of spirituality, and her mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of others. This is an eye-opening read, Don't Be Bitter, Be Better will not only empower readers currently struggling with life's issues, but also those who are already on the fast track, and want to keep it that way.