About the Book
Dolina: A Novel Part 2. Dolina and Pierre have a wedding in the Republic of South Africa and in Rwanda. Chanelle her mother was fighting against it but she failed. Chanelle decided not to inform her mother Shoni because they are both greedy for money. Shoni is still sick when Dolina gets married. Lobolla of R90 000.00 is demanded by Chanelle or Dolina must marry someone else. Pierre relocates to Cape Town and comes home week-ends. Dolina and Pierre are still prayerful. This novel is also about prejudice against Coloureds. The rejection that some Coloureds suffer. Coloureds called uncultured, immoral, alcoholics, drug addicts, fornicators, lovers of pleasure, lazy, ill-mannered, short tempered, lovers of free things and haters of education. It is also about mothers who control their children most especially daughters even in their adulthood through witchcraft. The Novel touches on witchcraft practices in South Africa and Africa. Dolina and Pierre's mother were both witches. Chanelle and Deborah both made diabolical covenants on behalf of Dolina and Pierre. When Dolina and Pierre refused to obey their parents they both resorted to kill them. Dolina and Pierre were prayerful and fasted once a week and prayed every day. When they became successful they relaxed in prayer and that is when witchcraft was practiced against them. This novel touches on importance of prayer and deliverance.
About the Author: Doreen C. Mampani is a Christian author from the Republic of South Africa. She writes Christian non-fiction, poetry and fiction books. Doreen wrote and self-published over 40 books where she wrote about witchcraft, occult, poverty, abuse, citizens and refugees, youth, domestic workers, rejection and poetry. More books of Doreen C. Mampani Nonfiction: Who Owns Your Soul?, Sin Tantalizers, The Reigning of the Refugee, The Citizens Bow to the Refugees, Log of Poverty in the Eye, Awakening of the Impoverished Prince, Deceiving Voice of Poverty, Trapped in the Underworld, Dinning With Deception in the Shrine, Deadly Diabolical Games, Dethroning Poverty from the Golden Throne, Uprooting the Bitter Roots of Abuse, Monster in Mama is Not Bigger than God, Venom of a Bitter Woman, Who Owns Your Soul? Revised Edition, Monster in Mama is not Bigger than God. Revised Edition, Venom of a Bitter Woman. Revised Edition, Beyond Four Boarders, Wages Of The Laborers Crying Out, Exhilaration of Buying Now, The Excruciating Pain Of Paying Later and A Soul In A Bottle: The Pain Of Domestic Violence, Mama Lost The Charm, Souls Amongst Lions: Battle In The Valley Of Death, and Soulish Prayers: Diabolical Prayers. Fiction: Dolina: A Novel Part 1 and Dolina: A Novel Part 2. Poetry The Storeroom Gives Birth to a Story, Tribulation Escorting Triumph, Author Without a Pen, 44 Liters of Tears, The Plague in the Fatherless Home, Great Departure of Mortals, Little Oil in My Lamp, The Song, The Dance, The Table and the Dinning of Souls, Riding on the Back of a Poor Man, Silencing the Laughter of Goliath, Shacks Paving Way for Mansions, Not Yet Time, No Need to Die Early, Drops of Tears in the Desert, 44 Years and 4 Months, Tears of a Domestic Worker, Heart of Stone in Dire Need of Heart of Flesh, Nobody Thinks About Me But I Must Think About Them, Last Drink Last Meal, Youth Searching A Role Model, Tenacity Of A Maid and Past Shame, Present Pain, Future Gain.