Born into a world that seemed determined to reject him and threaten his life at every corner, the protagonist faces rejection not only from family and friends but also from society itself. The narrative unfolds as a heartbreaking chronicle of a child enduring unimaginable physical, emotional, and psychological abuse, only to find himself abandoned and homeless on the unforgiving streets of Tehran at age 7.
Escaping religious persecutions, the protagonist's journey takes an unexpected turn as he arrives in the United States during his early teens. However, the scars of his past remain, and he is confronted with an entirely new set of crises and challenges. The narrative, both heart-wrenching and hopeful, unveils a profound exploration of the human spirit's resilience in the face of relentless adversity.
As the protagonist grapples with the shadows of his past, the narrative takes a turn toward self-reflection and self-improvement. Tired of running from the haunting echoes of his past, he embarks on a courageous journey to confront his demons head-on. Through the realms of performing arts, life experiences, and spiritual exploration, he seeks to unearth the truth within himself, discovering the profound meaning of authenticity and the pursuit of a more meaningful life.
"Human Doing, Human Being" doesn't merely narrate a personal journey; it serves as a compelling counter-narrative to societal systems. It challenges the very structures that perpetuated rejection and abuse, offering a searing critique of the collective ego, societal norms, and religious persecutions.
Woven throughout this exploration are insightful quotes from luminaries such as Carlos Castaneda, Eckhart Tolle, and Lionel Trilling. These quotes serve as guiding lights, illuminating the path of self-discovery and awareness for both the protagonist and the collective consciousness.
Part memoir, part philosophical exploration, the book is a raw and authentic testament to the author's experiences. Names and events may be altered, but the emotional resonance and the search for truth remain palpable, creating a narrative that transcends individual experiences to resonate with the collective human condition.
"Human Doing, Human Being" is not just a story; it's a transformative journey, an exploration of the human spirit's capacity to endure, evolve, and ultimately, find truth and meaning amidst the chaos of life.