This is a bilingual book, written in both Japanese and English.
It is the second book in the "Ella the Doggy" book series.
In Book Two, "Doggy Finds Her Bone," Ella the Doggy has a problem.
She knows that she has a big, juicy bone somewhere, but she cannot remember where she left it.
Ella looks and looks for her bone. First she looks inside the house, then she goes outside to look for her bone. She gets very tired, but she never gives up until she finds her bone!
Some of the educational concepts covered are colors and prepositions such as
"under, "over," "on," inside, and not quitting until you achieve your goal!
Because of the full-color photos and interactive text, this book will appeal to
children of many ages, from toddlers to grade school children!
エラは、骨を頑張って探します。 最初に家の中を見て、次に外でも探します。 エラは、とても疲れますが、骨が見つかるまであきらめません!