MARRIAGE DOESN'T WORK for our society any longer, and
NEITHER DOES DIVORCE. Marriage was invented by
Religion and it is killing people from the inside out.
Divorce is destroying Families, leaving them angry,
bankrupt, disillusioned and in many cases dead. Lawyers
and Judges are responsible for a lot of this pain, and they
walk away with the spoils of the financial rape.
It's time for a change. The only way to make that change is
to present in bold face realism what the MARRIAGE AND
DIVORCE EMPIRE are doing to people and children by
showing the facts, statistics, interviewing experts and
proposing a path forward.
I want people to question Marriage. I want people to
question Divorce. I want people to start making different
choices in relationships and in building families.
People are living in pain, and we are going to bring that to
the forefront.