I am Doggy, a trained guide dog. Together with Scruffy, we are responsible for this book. It is not so much about us, more about the adventures we have shared with our owners.
My owner is a partially blind lady lawyer. Her boss used her name to facilitate his illegal weapons trading activities without her knowledge. In the end she got involved in a legal battle she was forced into and where the unauthorised bank account came to her notice. Her husband did not want to let matters rest and that motivated the Hidden Men to move against her and her family. They were people in influential government positions, making her fight for survival unequal.
My mate Scruffy could only be described as a pavement special. A soldier, fighting a nasty Dictator, adopted him. The Dictator was the main beneficiary of the Hidden Men's weapons business.
Events brought our owners together, allowing them to join forces, fighting the Hidden Men and the Dictator. Our enemies were too strong for us and forced us into hiding. It was not possible to fight them from below. We had to get on top of them. The only way to do that was to go into politics. That was where my owner's crazy sister came into play. By the way, when I say the sister was crazy, I meant it.
The result of it all was that my owner nominated herself to stand for President of our Federation. It resulted in an election fight that was on a knife edge, most of the time. The Hidden Men did not take the challenge lying down. The outcome would determine the future of our owners, the Hidden Men and the Dictator.
I am not at liberty to say how it all turned out - to find out you will have to read the book. I can say I am sorry about it, but I am not.
Finally, the narrative can be described as multi-layered; the plotting fascinating and realistic; and the atmosphere intriguing. A few people might find it unrealistic, a dog telling the story, but that is only just because they do not really understand dogs.