About the Book
Since you have been saved, have you learned that God loves, revealing things unto us? God gave us the baptism in the Holy Ghost to reveal all hidden secrets, truths, callings, gifts, knowledge and all spiritual blessing of many. To lead and guide you into all spiritual truths. That God may enter you into all of His divine will and purpose, in this life. As a minister of the gospel or even, as a Child of God. Simply to enlighten you, to know many things concerning Gods love towards you. For the divine purpose of you growing up spiritually, with a renewed mind and a well-developed, spiritual education. To become a partaker of God's love and grace of much towards you, as a believer in the church of Jesus Christ. So that spiritual blinders may be removed from your understanding. That the Holy Spirit as revealer can open up your understanding to know many things concerning Gods will and for your life, as a Son and a Daughter. To grasp the will of God by everything that the Holy Spirit, may reveal unto you, over the period of your lifetime. This being Gods way of equipping you and preparing you, as He calls, gifts and anoints you, for service. As a vessel for Gods use, for the work of the ministry and for your, laboring to be done while you live here on the earth. You were saved, to also become, all you can be, in Christ Jesus. As an anointed vessel for Gods use, yet many of Gods Children never grow to have many of these things revealed unto them. Many of Gods Children have missed it, as the Holy Spirit revealing things unto them. Many have never learned to have things revealed unto them or maybe even you, my dear reading friend? First of all when you received the baptism in the Holy Ghost. You were given the power of having things revealed unto you, now. By the ministry of the Holy Ghost in you, as a believer. Revealing things unto you is one portion of His ministry in you and me. God Does Not Reveal Everything Unto You Or Me God has all knowledge and knows everything but He only reveals a portion of His knowledge unto us. God does not reveal everything unto anyone and He never will. God will reveal things unto you as a minister or a Saint, as He sees fit to enlighten you, in your walk with Him. The Holy Spirit will always reveal Gods will unto you. The amount of things that are revealed unto you, will be determined by your prayer life and your walk with God, no matter who you are or what your calling is. God Does Not Reveal Everything Unto Us All At Once God will not reveal everything unto us all at once because it would overwhelm us. However God does reveal things unto us, over a period of time or throughout your lifetime. God will reveal everything unto you that He desires, if you will position yourself in the needed times of prayer and many times, going into deeper times of prayer. Prayer Is Your Golden Key To Having Many Things Revealed Unto You All Through Life Many of Gods Children, simply do not realize the importance of prayer and how prayer plays one of the biggest rolls in your life as a believer. To have a well-balanced walk with God. Also to have many things revealed unto you over a period of your lifetime, in the amount of years. A lack of an established prayer life, will stop the flow of the Holy Spirit revealing things unto you, as a Hearer of His Spirit. If you are not having things revealed unto you and you are baptized in the Holy Spirit. All you have to do is let go of the world and allow the Holy Spirit, to lead you into a fellowship with Him and He will reveal Himself unto you, as your revealer. For the purpose of God baptizing you, with the baptism in the Holy Ghost. One phase of His ministry in every Child of God, is to reveal everything unto you according to Gods will. So that you may know all things that are freely given to you of God. God has many things to reveal unto you, as a Hearer of His Spirit, if He can get your time and your attention, my dear reading friend.
About the Author: . My name is Pastor Luke L. Chapman. I haven't always been a preacher, quite the contrary. When I was a young teenager everyone always said: "Boy what a good kid Luke is. He is a wonderful young man." Because of a stepfather that had no love for me, my clothes were packed for me and placed on the front porch on Christmas morning. Arrangements were already made for a near friend to pick me up to take me to my real dad's home. This became a cycle unto me. I learned soon to take flight in life, realizing I'm on my own. I was kicked out of school for truancy, failure to want to go to school and to learn. This started a foundation for my life, for my ongoing future. My new friends taught me how to smoke, drink, and cuss and to tell lies. I graduated to smoking weed and using cocaine. I never drank or used cocaine on a regular basis. I just started on weekends or invited parties. I got married and had a Child when I was 21 years old. But, with a lifestyle of drinking, spending money in bars and not on bills or in my home, I soon went through a divorce. Does this sound familiar, like today's youths? At this time, now I'm remarried my wife and I are both cocaine addicts. My wife smoked weed? I sold weed and cocaine to supply our habits. My wife left me one day. I was arrested the same day and put in jail. In jail, I bowed my knees on the floor in my cell. I was the only one there that day. I called upon Jesus and was saved and sent to North Central Correctional Institution. I never thought anyone cared. But I was so wrong. What was meant for evil for me, God changed for the good. Prison became My Bible College. Prison was where God counseled me about my morals. God taught me about being a good husband, a good father unto my Children and how a preacher must live and act. I served six and a half years in prison to learn not do use drugs, not to walk through life aimlessly. I learned my lesson. God raised me up to be a preacher in prison. Prison was my lifesaver. Wow, what a statement one might say! The reason prison was my lifeline was I could have graduated to the other side of life... Six Feet Down. I almost did! I had a heart attack, just before I was sent to prison, from smoking crack cocaine. I almost died. Your Friend... The Harley Davidson Preacher Man Luke L. Chapman Gods Vision... A Ministry of Fire GodsVision.info The Village Carpenter Publishing House PO Box 133 Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA see TheVillageCarpenter.info .