DIY Natural Household Cleaners
Conventional cleaners are, to put it simply, toxic chemical cocktails that not only put your family's health at risk, but damage the environment, too. Commercial household cleaners are heavily marketed and may seem to be the most convenient solution, but look closer and you'll see the mounting evidence that certain ingredients disrupt hormone levels, aggravate allergies and even predispose to developing cancer.
By making your own safe and natural household cleaners, you get the peace of mind that you are cleansing and renewing your home without exposing your family to harmful toxins. By taking control of what you use to clean your home, you save money, time and the environment.
Natural Cleaning Made Simple
By using commonly available ingredients and blending your own simple cleansing solutions, you can clean your kitchen, bathroom, laundry and living room easily. This straight-forward book will show you how to:
- Stock your pantry with the basic natural cleaning ingredients - or use what you actually already have on hand
- Discover the cheapest and most effective natural household cleaners - and how you can start cleaning your home with recipes of only one or two ingredients
- De-grease, deodorize and kill bacteria without resorting to harsh and unhealthy ingredients
- Soothe allergies by washing clothes in all-natural, non-toxic and gorgeous smelling natural cleaning solutions - even learn how to make your own dryer sheets
- Find out ways to spring clean your home, get rid of clutter and cleanse your living space without having to worry that you are harming yourself or the environment
- Learn nifty tricks to get rid of stains, brighten tile grout and clean greasy ovens without using corrosive products that produce deadly fumes
- Customize recipes for your own laundry soap, dishwashing liquid and even stain remover - and learn how to make them quickly and easily in your own kitchen, right now
- Save money by using cheap, effective ingredients and stop throwing away cash on overpriced, ineffective products
- Use a laundry detergent that literally grows on trees
- Save space in your home by using one product for dozens of applications
- Keep your pets clean and sanitized, and use homemade cleaning remedies that are safe enough for even the youngest members of your family
- Simplify your life by choosing an elegant, natural solution to maintaining a clean and hygienic home
Natural, homemade household cleaners are no longer just for dedicated stay at home moms - more and more people are discovering that with a little preparation, they too can create their own personalized brand of cleaning products that are cheaper, more environmentally friendly and safer to use than anything else. You don't need to depend on suspicious commercial products that are loaded with chemicals.
Are You Ready?
Start your journey to more conscientious, sustainable and effective cleaning solutions today!
Scroll up and hit the buy button.
About the Author: Who is Charity Wilson? Charity Wilson is the loving mother of four children, well five if you count her husband of over 25 years. She has worked in various jobs over the years but realized one day home is where she needed to be. After a lot of deliberation and research, she decided to become a full-time writer. Being a full time at home mom and writer sounds like a lot of work and for good reason, it is. She loves every minute of the organized chaos that is her daily life. It is what fuels her ideas and inspires her to write the books she does. She loves to share what she knows and is always willing to learn something new. She loves to cook and create new recipes which you will find shared throughout her various cookbooks. She stays up to date on the most current diets but doesn't particularly follow any one of them. She eats to enjoy while consciously watching her health. She knows people need a variety of recipes to avoid the boredom that leads to weight gain and tries to fill that void. Her passions don't stop at cooking and she is an avid gardener, organizer and loves reading. She is known amongst the kids in the sports community as "the lady with the best chocolate chip cookies ever." She enjoys being able to watch her children play sports and is quite active herself. In the end, you could call her a homebody. Charity is all about living life with passion and enjoying every moment. Life is about enjoying good food, great company and waking up every day happy to do it all over again.