Does your house look like a disaster? Do you wish there were some quick and easy tips to rid yourself of the constant frustration of clutter?
Household Hacks For DIYers
Look if I could afford for someone to clean up after my family and organize my house they would be doing it. Chances are you are in the same situation or why look for a book on how to get organized? Maybe you actually do clean for others and have some disastrous clients you need household hacks for.
Whether you do it for yourself or for someone else, there are hacks available that will make life a lot less stressful.
DIY Cleaning & Organizing
Inside you are going to find the type of hacks that actually make a difference in your everyday life. You might not think cleaning and clutter are such big deals, but I have read numerous times that these things can negatively affect our health if neglected.
Just some of the benefits to implementing these household hacks are:
- Less financial stress - stop missing credit card payments or misplacing bills by getting organized
- Reduce relationship friction -ever have your spouse get mad at you because you didn't put something back? Exactly!
- Increased amount of time for you - do you want to spend every weekend cleaning and organizing or relaxing and enjoying yourself?
- Feel overwhelmed less - you know it needs to get done, but you have ignored it so long that now it seems an insurmountable task (and that is just the kitchen)
You can free yourself from the woes of an unorganized home and discover how simple changes to your daily household routine. The tips seem like common sense but if being organized was just common sense you wouldn't be here right now.
These hacks will take a bit of time to set up but then you just maintain them and what used to take hours can now be done in half that time or less.
Discover These Hacks Inside
The best thing about these household and DIY hacks is that they're quick, easy and cost very little - if anything. This is a solid, straightforward household guide designed to banish those little irritations quickly and effectively. You'll learn how to:
- Get stains and spills of all kinds out of fabrics - without using fancy, expensive or harmful chemical products
- Discover the 7 popular household hacks that don't work - and why they can even be dangerous
- Figure out a foolproof, stress free plan to moving that will make sure your day goes by without a hitch
- Learn exactly which common household ingredients you can use to soothe sunburn, remove a splinter or get rid of scuffs in wooden furniture.
- Learn useful parenting hacks to keep your children happy, well-behaved and eating their veggies
- Find out what 5 essential tools every DIY home hacker needs at their disposal - even if you've never fixed anything around the house before
- Learn how to recycle things you'd ordinarily throw away into useful, budget-friendly items for every room in your home
- Find out which are the 10 easiest garden vegetables to grow - plus tips to make sure you get a big harvest this year
- Discover surprisingly simple ways to decorate your home on a shoestring
- Find dozens of uses for duct tape, hot glue and simple binder clips - you'll wonder why you never thought of them before
- Learn some handy tips to update a wardrobe without spending a cent, revive old clothes and prevent wardrobe malfunctions
Ready To Get Clean & Organized?
Grab your copy today.
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About the Author: Who is Charity Wilson? Charity Wilson is the loving mother of four children, well five if you count her husband of over 25 years. She has worked in various jobs over the years but realized one day home is where she needed to be. After a lot of deliberation and research, she decided to become a full-time writer. Being a full time at home mom and writer sounds like a lot of work and for good reason, it is. She loves every minute of the organized chaos that is her daily life. It is what fuels her ideas and inspires her to write the books she does. She loves to share what she knows and is always willing to learn something new. She loves to cook and create new recipes which you will find shared throughout her various cookbooks. She stays up to date on the most current diets but doesn't particularly follow any one of them. She eats to enjoy while consciously watching her health. She knows people need a variety of recipes to avoid the boredom that leads to weight gain and tries to fill that void. Her passions don't stop at cooking and she is an avid gardener, organizer and loves reading. She is known amongst the kids in the sports community as "the lady with the best chocolate chip cookies ever." She enjoys being able to watch her children play sports and is quite active herself. In the end, you could call her a homebody. Charity is all about living life with passion and enjoying every moment. Life is about enjoying good food, great company and waking up every day happy to do it all over again.