You Are A Step Away From Discovering How You Can Start Making Your Very Own Facemasks To Keep Of Viruses And Bacteria And Ultimately Protect Yourself From Contracting Infectious Diseases!
As the current pandemic keeps spreading around the world, more and more people are coming to the realization that if you are to protect yourself from contracting the virus and deal with the stigma that often comes with having only a few (infected people) wear facemasks, everyone has to put on a facemask. If we all carry ourselves as if we are already infected, we will limit the transmission rate and slow down the spread.
And as you would expect, as more people demand facemasks, the prices shoot up and often times, facemasks are become go out of stock. What's more, most of the store bought facemasks are single use facemasks, which essentially means you have to have put on a new mask at least every day, if not every few hours. The costs can easily add up when you have to cycle through several masks every single day or week.
What is the other option, you may wonder?
Well, the other option is to make your own homemade facemasks that,
You can use as many times as you want
You can wash whenever you want
You can have one ready for use whenever you need it
Can help you keep the cost of facemasks low especially since we may not know how long the pandemic may take to contain
I know you may be wondering...
Will a homemade facemask be as effective as the ones used in hospitals?
How exactly can you make your own facemask - isn't that stuff that require too much knowhow and big pockets to create?
Why should you bother having a facemask?
What will you need to make facemasks and what are the different approaches that you can use to make facemasks?
What skills will you need to have to create your own facemasks?
If you have these and other related questions, keep reading.
Here is a preview of what to expect in this book:
- The basics of facemasks, including how they work to keep off infectious diseases
- Reasons why each individual should design, make and wear their own cloth face mask to avoid contracting viruses
- How to prepare to make your own facemasks
- How to make the main fabric
- How to make a pocket for filtration in a face mask
- The proper way to fix and remove a face mask
- All about the efficacy of custom made mask and how to use facemask to prevent flu and fight virus
- How to keep yourself safe and healthy during the pandemic and how to prevent spreading of germs and viruses
- And much more
Indeed; one of the keys to beating infectious diseases is putting on masks. At some point during the Flu of 1918, it was mandatory to put on facemasks. If we are to beat this pandemic, this may be our chance. And to prepare for that, you MUST master the skill of making your facemasks.
Even if you feel you don't know what to do, the teachings in this book will ensure you learn the craft faster than you thought possible. All you need is a little curiosity and confidence to follow what you learn!
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