The book, "Divorcing from Narcissists" covers all the essential aspects related to loving, marrying, and divorcing a narcissist.
This book entails:
- The hidden narcissist (dating a narcissist, why they are charming, and what attracts them)
- Something is wrong (Signs that reveal the real personality of narcissists, the perfect dynamics of a dysfunctional relationship, and toxic relationship)
- Realizing the truth (reasons why a narcissist gets married, marrying a narcissist, the isolation, narcissistic cruelty, and emotional abuse).
- The divorce (stop justifying abuse, divorcing from a narcissist, how to start reacting, how to handle conflicts, how to be respected, and how to respect yourself)
- The healing process (overcome loneliness, self-love recovery plan, self-care for healing, new dates, and the Human Magnet Syndrome, moving forward, and a new way to live in peace)
For understanding a narcissist and, of course, the disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder, we need to investigate further their characteristics, how to reveal their personality, and how to get a divorce from them.
What will you find in this book?In this guide, you will come to know about the personality of narcissistic people. These individuals behave entirely differently as compared to those who do not tend towards this trait.
Here, we will talk about the roots of narcissistic people, what makes them such people, and what experiences have molded and shaped them into egotistical, arrogant, self-centered individuals.
We will discover some of the signs that reveal their true personality. In DSM-5, there are nine main criteria for narcissistic personality disorder. In a relationship, these highlight superiority, involving taking advantage of others, lacking empathy, demanding approval, believing they are unique, and being arrogant. The DSM states that almost 6.2% of the population of adults may have this disease. You may have met some of them. If they have this disorder of personality, they have an enduring and narrow pattern of behavior that keeps repeating, despite what you do.
Later we will talk about why to ask for divorce from a narcissist; How to manage conflicts and stop justifying abuse; How to start respecting yourself and get rid of the spell of a narcissist; How to manage and overcome loneliness in order to get a new vision of your life and be able to live serene and free.
This guide is for those people who have been affected by the narcissists, however, for the narcissists as well. It is to help those people who are attracted to the people having Narcissistic Personality Disorder.As a whole, it can be a way forward on the journey to the healing process from the narcissistic relationship. Moreover, this book must be used by any individual who wants to know more about this personality disorder and the devastating effects it can leave on the people.
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