A MASTER COURSE IN HAPPINESS. Discover and experience the unlimited peace, love, joy, power and freedom of your Limitless Self within. **DIVINE HAPPINESS** is the groundbreaking new book by Amazon Bestselling author Andrew C. Walton that empowers you to realize the magical, super power of your true Limitless Self.
A revolutionary, new step-by-step guide for spiritual enlightenment that brings you the true power and freedom to effortlessly manifest all that you choose. Inspired by the author's own personal journey of Self-awakening, Andrew C. Walton provides an inspirational and universal path to true Self-discovery, revealing the essential tools, higher knowledge and profound insights necessary for reaching the peaks of consciousness where you will discover the ultimate rewards of unlimited peace, love, joy, power and freedom.
Andrew guides you along the journey to experiencing the ascending levels of Self- awakening to the realization of your limitless self. As each level of awakening brings you a further expansion of consciousness, awareness, happiness, power and freedom so you will experience a wonderful transformation of your Self and a magical transformation of your world.
When you read **DIVINE HAPPINESS** you will discover the joy of your true Limitless Self together with the real meaning, purpose and destiny of your life. Ultimately you will come to experience the unlimited love, joy, peace, power, oneness and freedom of your Limitless Self within.
Ready for a life without limits? A life of unlimited happiness, love, freedom and power to effortlessly manifest all that you choose? Ready for true Unlimited Happiness Then **DIVINE HAPPINESS** is now ready and waiting for you.
**DIVINE HAPPINESS**: The Ultimate Answers are revealed to you within !
About the Author: Andrew C. Walton is the author of two books on the subject of Personal Transformation and Happiness including The AMAZON No.1 BESTSELLER The Spiritual Secrets of Happiness, Health and Success together with A Master Course in Happiness Divine Happiness.
The hidden secrets of life were initially revealed to Andrew following a sudden spiritual awakening in the early hours of one summer morning in 2003. The result was a gift of seeing life in a brand new and altogether wonderfully fresh way along with the inner wisdom to understand the higher laws and truths that operate and shape our world.
These powerful secrets miraculously healed Andrew of a chronic lifetime illness and subsequently manifested the experience of true peace, love, happiness, magic, abundance, fulfilment and freedom into his life. Andrew currently lives in the heart of the Nottinghamshire countryside, England with Charlotte, his best friend, soul mate and co-adventurer through life.