If you're expecting Social Security to fund your retirement years, think again. Disappearing benefits and rapidly rising taxes are just a couple of the signs of impending financial disaster for many Americans-and politicians' promises are less than reliable, to say the least.
If you want to truly survive and thrive during the best years of your life, there's only one way to do it: plan ahead and take control of your financial destiny, so you can enjoy a steady, secure flow of income for the rest of your days.
It's never too soon to start, whether you're thirty, fifty, or already in the midst of retirement. The same time-tested secrets used by the Rockefellers, the Waltons, and the DuPonts can be applied right now to your own financial situation-and everything you need can be found within the pages of Dividends Book.
From setting goals, to choosing strategies, to opening up your own investment account, this no-nonsense guide to financial success is filled with valuable advice and surprisingly simple strategies for maximizing your money. So get ready to take control of your financial future and unlock the power of dividend investing-regardless of your age or current situation.Dividends Book was featured on Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, CNBC.com, Market Watch, and Bloomberg Businessweek.
About the Author: John Kleemann is a sales and marketing professional with more than twenty-six years of experience. He works with millionaires and billionaires on a regular basis in his line of work, and finds that they typically follow the same financial plan that his Dad passed down to him and his family when he was younger-one that he hopes to share with a wider audience through the Dividends Book. A graduate of the University of Central Florida, Kleemann currently lives in Florida with his wife, Sue.