Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Investing In Stocks!Are you worried about the imminent financial collapse of the Social Security System? Do you realize that if you're young now-say, in your 20s or 30s--there's a very slim chance that you will receive benefits from the Federal government in old age-at least in the same way current retirees do?
If you're not, you should be. No one is responsible for taking care of your financial solvency other than you. Even the Federal government, which has maintained the Social Security System since the Great Depression, cannot be guaranteed to help you. With a high (and quickly climbing) retiree-to-worker ratio in the United States, the Federal government is facing a serious problem: if they do not reduce benefits on Social Security payments, they will balloon as a portion of Federal spending...
Social Security isn't here to stay in its current form. It's a simple financial impossibility.
So what can you do?
No One Will Save Your Financial Future Except You
You could find ways to increase your income. You could go back to college and get a degree. That would open up more job opportunities for you, so your income would increase.
Or you could invest your current income in something else, such as real estate--but you might be weary of market fluctuations. And you may be unfamiliar with all of the processes. In the end, you might find yourself working the equivalent of another full time job to make your investments...
On the other hand, you could take the easy approach, which is simply to put the money in the bank and allow it to accumulate interest. Unfortunately, there's a problem with this method...
If you open up a savings account, the interest you earn will be considerably less than the value that is lost to inflation. While inflation averages between 2-4% per year, interest earned on savings accounts is often 1% or lower.
You could also consider putting your money in a Certificate of Deposit, but even then, you would earn a return of between 4 and 5% per year, which just barely outpaces inflation.
Clearly, you need a different solution. You need a solution that allows you to invest your income in assets that earn you a passive income-just like Friedman said. You don't need another job, but at the same time, you can't afford to put your money in a weak financial instrument that barely outpaces inflation.
There IS Another Way. Dividend Stock Investing.
In this book, you'll discover: - 5 Ways to Find the Best Dividend Stocks
- 6 Reasons Dividend Stocks May Be Right For You
- What You Must Know About Dividend Stocks Before Investing
- The Pros and Cons of Dividend Stocks
- And Much More
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