About the Book
The Divided States of United Lies has Mountains of Evidences stacked up against its Great False Economy, which is Satanic by Nature, being Invented and Orchestrated by Lying Red Jews, who most Certainly do not have the Humble Honest Spirit of Jesus Christ, nor of any of his Self-disciplined Disciples, who would most Certainly NOT Approve of the Evil Acts of the Divided States of United Lies, which has Enriched those Red Jews by Trillions of $! For Example, it has been Legal for hundreds of Years to Sell those Cancer Sticks called Cigarettes, while much less Harmful Marijuana has been Illegal: because it is more Profitable to Grow and Sell and TAX Tobacco Products, which must be Handled and Processed by "Professionals," while Marijuana can easily be Grown by anyone with even half a Brain, and also be Grown almost anywhere from Alaska to Patagonia, in Chile. Therefore, we can Rightfully call it a Red Jew Conspiracy: because the Low Court of Supreme Injustices is made up mostly of Jews and Jewish Sympathizers, who seem to be Nursing on the same Teats of the Capitalist Cow, you might say, which is otherwise known as the Military Industrial Congressional Red Jew Bankers' Complex, which should be brought to Court for TREASON - for Betraying the Trust of Hardworking Americans! Yes, all of those Chief Criminals should be Rounded Up like so many ISIS (Israeli Secret Instigation Service) Members, and brought to: "The Great Worldwide TELEVISED Court HEARING," whereby we Tax Slaves, Interest Slaves, Insurance Slaves, Drug Slaves, Sex Slaves, and Work Slaves can Discover the Root Causes for all of those American Crimes, whereby no less than 2 Million Americans DIE, each Year, and for no Good Reasons. Yes, this Inspired Book will Warm Up your Cockles, as they say, and Inspire you to take Action with a Capital A: beCause of being in Perfect Agreement with it, and also with a Capital P and A, which is rather Unusual for a Book to do. Nevertheless, the Good People at Amazon.com GUARANTEE it to Satisfy the Belly of your Mind, even if you Suffer with Chronic Constipation of the Mind, as most Politicians, Doctors, Bankers and Lawyers do. Indeed, they cannot Help themselves to Overcome it: beCause they are Locked Up in their own Manmade Prison of Outlandish LIES, which they Support by Quoting and Misquoting the Holy Bible, which should also be brought to Court in Shackles and Chains, you might say, whereby those Lying Preachers will have to Prove that any God is on their Sides; or, rather, that they are on the Side of any God, including the Hebrew God! In Fact, the Inspired Author of this Wonderful Book Challenges ALL of them with "The Swanky Sword of Divine Truths," which is Sharper than any Double-edged Sword, which is likely to Remove the Head of Red Jew Lies in just one Day! Yes, it is called "the Fall of Babylon," which Means Confusion, which will come to a Dramatic End when the Bright Light of Provable Truths is Shined on them. Therefore, just to get a Glimpse of that Bright Light, it is your God-given Duty to yourself and others to Sharpen up your own Sword of Truths by Studying all such Inspired Books, which will Enlighten your Mind and Cheer Up your Spirit. Guaranteed! Yes, it will Naturally Require some Faith, Hope, Trust, Love, Patience, Persistence and Obedience, which are "The Seven Basic Spiritual Building Blocks of LIFE!" Come now, and let us Reason Together, says the Supreme Ruler of Seven Great Armies of Working Soldiers: because there is a Riit Waa to Fix all of your Massive Problems, while Providing a Way for all Riichus Peepoul to Live in "Beautiful Swanky PALACES!" Yes, it is now Time for those Honest People to Act WISELY, and DEMAND: "The Great Worldwide TELEVISED Court HEARING!"