According to the second law of thermodynamics, we cannot outrun entropy, the wearing down and eventual death of all systems, including the universe itself. So, what would it mean to be free of death's inevitability? How bizarre is the concept of living indefinitely?
Memento mori, middle age Christians cautioned: remember that you have to die. That principle can now be challenged. It used to be the situation that a man's life lasted less than 30,000 days however Aubrey de Dim, a biomedical gerontologist, guesses that the individual who will live for 1,000 years has as of now been conceived. In Silicon Valley, as The fixation on Immortality has transformed into a rush to reconfigure death, very rich people are looking for a scope of strategies to entend and change their life expectancies. Plasma from young donors, reprogramming DNA, tissue Engineering, printing organs, cryonics and digital Awareness are a couple of examples of the idealistic dream. imagine a scenario where without a doubt we had the option to live for eternity.
Think about the wellspring of youth showing up in the Writings of Herodotus, the peaches of immortality in Chinese folklore or the elixir of life in the Epic of Gilgamesh from the ancient Mesopotamia. Tech tycoons, familiar with the conviction that there is a technological fix for each issue, consider life to be by one way or another reparable. Think about ankh representing immortality in ancient Egypt, blue roses - difficult to get a hold of in nature - depicted in writing and Art as images of immortality.
what if there is a possibility that we could transfer our conciousness, then, at that point, have our bodies frozen using the technologies of cryopreservation so we could one day awaken from a long sleep. Would that decrease the delight of wasting our days? Is life intended to be shaky and mysterious? If real life is brimming with risk and adventure, what feeling would a simulated reality offer that we could value?
"Anti Ageing is a medication for the affluent," Shout the activists. It is the survival of the Richest, a narcissistic dream, say the doubters. Some in Silicon Valley concur And Some don't. In his Stanford Commencement address of 2005, Steve Jobs said that mortality is "the absolute best innovation in life". Elon Musk said he would not like to live forever, that he would be content with 100 great years. Then again Jeff Bezos is of the opinion that "Fighting off death is a thing that we need to work at... If living things don't effectively attempt to forestall it, they would ultimately converge with their environmental elements and stop to exist as independent creatures. That is the thing that happens when they die."
To Some Researchers, "Death is a Disease, Which drains our strength before killing Us. However there is an absence of data, Advocacy and awareness of healthy life extension research, of initiatives aimed at the defeat of Death. Much of the general public thinks of aging as inevitable and natural, rather than as a medical condition that may one day be curable."
The Question is, If Death Is a Disease And Immortality A curse, Which would you Rather Go for?