A Multi-Purpose Framework for Humans Living in the 21 CenturyThis book presents a general theory on what constitutes optimal behavior geared towards self-mastery, applicable to our current socio-economic climate. It outlines the principles governing achievement and mental health, as well as the mechanisms behind overcoming fears and irrational behavior. It will help you:
- Eradicate Self-Doubt
- Curb Flaky Behavior
- Negate Anxiety
Sourced from Extensive Research and Real-World DataThe book is a collection of principles employed by Fortune 50 CEO's, world-renowned experts and top-tier performers. The framework presented in it is created for:
- Artists
- Athletes
- Entrepreneurs
- Corporate Climbers
- Investors
Structured for maximum efficiencyKnowledge is only power if it is acted upon. This book follows the [simple-complex-simple] framework to an actionable theory. It starts with the fundamentals, then it goes into the inner workings of the various principles, after which it concludes with a simple and easy to follow set of instructions that encapsulate the complex nature of the framework. A few of the features the book is based upon are:
- Rationality
- Objectivity
- Self-Awareness
- Character Development
- Self-Knowledge
- Vision Clarity
FAQ① How will this book impact me?
The book is designed for people who find the fast-paced, ever changing nature of our modern world difficult to manage, both internally and externally. It presents a general philosophy that provides self-knowledge, direction, flexibility of mind and inner peace that ensures you are reaching towards your goals with a smile on your face. It develops the skill to rapidly gain a bird's-eye view of what you are supposed to do with what you currently have.
② What is the philosophy profile?
The book's philosophy has objectivity and realism as its main features. It advocates for a rational appraisal of one's make-up and desires, followed by situational analysis and a loop-based behavior designed for progress and flexibility. The various loops and if-statements presented allow you to keep moving towards your vision over long periods of time and yet still manage to deal with the unexpected events that are bound to occur along the way.
③ How actionable is the information presented?
The book is structured for maximum impact, it even concludes the presented framework with a simple graphic that circumvents all of the words and mechanisms explained in earlier chapters. Meaning that after you read everything and understand how it works, the graphic at the end will be the only tool you'd need to start implementing the knowledge and experience real change in the way you interact with the world.
④ What if there are concepts I read, but didn't understand?
I am more than willing to further explain whatever is necessary for you to gain the most optimal perspective on the information I have presented, so feel free to contact me, as I have a dedicated medium blog where I answer all of your questions in as much detail as I'm capable of.
Written for You.This books holds what is needed to bring order to your mind. It saddles the concept of chaos through perspective and foreknowledge. I am sharing this governing framework with the world, hoping that it would help you, as much as it helped me.
by Martin "Maytane" Gatev.