Once again, while listening to my car radio, I heard how creationists have a problem accepting the facts that the scientific world has proven.
Many in the scientific field will agree that for life to spring up from nothing is so astronomical, that it had to come about through design. Well, that implies a Designer.
Scientific research has proven quite a bit about our planet earth, and its make-up; and not only the universe and its expanse, but also, it's expansion, along with all the other galaxies and nebulas that are out there and cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Paleontologists have come to the scientific conclusion that life on this planet had to have come about approximately 600 million years ago. And yet, Bible experts have totaled up that all creation took place only 6000 to 60,000 years ago.
How can anyone come to any kind of an understanding of the truth? If God and nature can't agree, or to put it another way, if our physical and our spiritual sides cannot agree, we've got problems.
As children, my father would read to us from the bible and talk to us about the morals and values that are conveyed to us by God. These understandings that were taught to us as children, shape and form our characters; give us meaning and purpose; point us in a direction, and allow us to strive for the ultimate goal of happiness in God's Royal Family.
"Dinosaurs and The Bible? Yes!" is my way of sharing the legacy of life on Earth as it was given to me by my father and his to him ...