About the Book
Ever since Adam and Eve were "Kicked Out" of the Garden of Good Eating, much of Mankind has been Suffering with the Great Question concerning WHAT to EAT, which has now become a HOT Topic in the United States of North America, which holds the World's Record Number of OBESE People - some of whom are so FAT as to not even be Able to squeeze through their Bathroom Doorways, while others are Sadly so Fat as to not be Able to even get Out of BED! So, we might well ask, "Just Exactly WHAT brought all of this about?" Well, if a Body is Starving for Necessary Vitamins, Minerals and Enzymes, such a Person could be Hungry all of the Time, even after Eating enough Foods to Feed an Elephant! However, if a Person is only being Tempted by Advertisements on TV, the Solution is relatively easy - just Shut Off the TV, and Study this Good Book - which is not so Simple when one Weighs more than one's own House, as a Comedian might say; but, you can get someone to read the Book to you. Nevertheless, God knows that there must be a Good Reliable and Workable Solution, which has been Revealed to our Selected King, who has not required the "Services" of a Medical Doctor in more than 50 Years! Indeed, he has not used any Medicines during all of that Time, and can still put in a Full Day's Work without any Aches nor Pains the next Morning, which few Old Men can Honestly say. His "Secrets" to Good Health are now Revealed in this Exceptionally Good Book, which is Worthy of every Capitalized Word, which Words could Save your Life, if you Believed them with a Capital B. Therefore, do not allow his Writing Style to Spook you Away by any Means: beCause it is only Good Camouflage to HIDE our Selected King in the Concrete Jungle, who most Definitely has his Natural Enemies, who consider his Inspired Books to be a Great Threat to their Evil Empire, which is no Doubt the Truth of it: beCause he Fully Intends to bring Down that EVIL Empire, and make the World into a Wonderful Paradise for all Believers, even as he Revealed in his other Inspired Book, called: "The Environmentalists' Paradise!" (HOW almost Everyone could be Living in a Beautiful Manmade Paradise!) Yes, it is Physically and Monetarily Possible, and most Practical! Guaranteed! Yes, Amazon.com offers a ONE-MILLION-DOLLAR REWARD to anyone who can Prove that it is NOT Possible, Practical, Workable, or otherwise a BAD Idea. Therefore, put up or shut up, as they say, O Lady Doubtfulness. Remember that we at Amazon Publishers have the Great Advantage of Knowing what is found within our Selected King's Inspired Books, which is no less than a Revelation from GOD! But, you do not have to take our Word for it, nor even Trust us to have it Riit: beCause you may Study the Words for yourself, and then draw up your own Honest Conclusions, which is Wise of you and of everyone else. Indeed, we Trust that you will Do just that, and Stop Complaining about your Sorry State of Perplexing Poverty: beCause our Selected King also tells HOW to Solve that Problem, and without Borrowing any Money, nor going into Debt to anyone. In Fact, he will HIRE you to Help Build your own Swanky PALACE, and pay top wages! Therefore, Kick the Devil in the Mouth, and get after it: because this is a Real Satisfying Spiritual "Meal," which Costs less than another Bottle of MediSINZ, and will NOT Upset the Belly of your Mind, nor Cause any Chronic Indigestion! But, it will give to you much Hope, while Increasing your Faith and Love for All that is GOOD. Therefore, make this a Good Day in the Company of our Selected King, who is the Reincarnation of King Solomon, himself! Yes, you could say that he is more Civilized after being Recycled, Born Again and Resurrected! (Just Click on the Book Cover for a Free Book Preview, to see what we Mean.)