Food is the basic requirement for every living being. It helps in nourishing the
body to perform daily activities, it also has cultural, social, and religious significance. It is
well known that a poor diet can result in stress, cause disorders such as anxiety, and
hamper mental as well as physical development. It is one of the most serious risk factors
in many types of diseases, however, could be a genetic element.
Switching to a good diet does not mean making stressful adjustments, such as avoiding
all sweet and fatty foods, and taking monotonous food like brown rice and vegetables. A
good proportion of nutrients, selecting good quality foods, and being aware of special
individual requirements are important for healthy living.
A varied vegetarian diet will supply all essential nutrients needed to keep fit and healthy.
A vegetarian diet offers a wide range of health benefits. A healthy diet includes plenty of
fruits and vegetables and starchy foods, moderate amounts of high protein foods dairy
products, and small amounts of sugary foods. The benefits of healthy diet include